Gilda Quests
1. Dungeon Mentor/Mentee
These dungeons offer Mentor/Mentee quests daily that give you 3 Gilda Stars each.
(East) Palace Cellar - City of Towers, Mahadevi
(East) Hadir Farm - Ynystere
(West) Sharpwind Mines - Dewstone Plains
(West) Burnt Castle - Cinderstone Moor
2. World Bosses
Defeating World Bosses give 1 Gilda Star each.

3. Community Centers
In every map that has War in its cycle eg. Ynystere, Cinderstone; you can pick up a daily kill quest at the Community Center for 1g each. These quests will give you 1 Gilda Star each.
Safe maps like Tigerspine Mountains and White Arden does not have this daily kill quest at their Community Centers.
Ynystere (1)
Rookborne Basin (2)
Windscour Savannah (5)
Perinoor Ruins (1)
Hasla (6)
Halcyona (2)
Hellswamp (3)
Sandeep (2)
Cinderstone Moor (2)
Karkasse Ridgeland (5)
4. Daily Events
Daily events also give you Gilda Stars.
Grimghast Rift - Pick up quest at the board at 2000h in Ynystere/Cinderstone. Event starts at 0000h. You get 3 Gilda Stars for completing each stage.
Lusca Awakening - 1 Gilda Star
Ezi Light - Enemies of the Trade - Kill seabugs
5. Blue Salt Brotherhood
There are daily quests that you can pick up in:
(East) Caernord, Ynystere or Lutesong Harbor, Villanelle or Austera, Solis Headlands
(West) Marianople, Ezna, or Seachild Wharf
The quests are:
East | West - A Rare Perfume - Need 30 Chopped Produce or Dried Flowers or Gound Grain or Ground Spices
East | West - Guerilla Marketing - Place Vases in Tigerspine Mountains
East - Signs of the Salphira Cult - Collect leashes outside Palace Cellar in Mahadevi
East - Raising a Wild Snowlion
East - Raising a Malfunctioning Leomorph
West - Roadsend in Danger - Collect the Faulty Gunpowder near the Roadsend Guardpost.
West - Raising a Wild Horse
West - Raising a Wild Elk