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Episode 1: Flame and Frost

Flame and Frost is a release launched on April 19, 2022 as the first episode of relaunched Living World Season 1.


Important Note

You have a 2 week window to log in from the time of release of each episode, for that particular episode to be free. If you miss this window, you will have to pay 200 gems to unlock it.


Flame and Frost Chapters

1. New Friends, New Enemies (2013 Story) (2022 Story)

    - Rox: Critical Mission

    - Rox - The Hatchery

2. The Battle for Cragstead (2013 Story) (2022 Story)

    - Braham: Help from the Legions

    - Braham - Retake Cragstead

    - Braham - Eirsson

3. Alliance Investigation (2013 Story)

    - Guiding Sign

4. Molten Furnace (2013 Story)

    - Investigative Study 1

    - Molten Memorial

    - Ready Ore Not

5. A Quiet Celebration

Return to Living World

Here are the Return to Living World episodes that came out in 2022. Click on the links below for details!


  • A Rallying Flame (10AP)
    Commemorate the completion of the Flame and Forest story by celebrating with your new allies in Hoelbrak.

  • Against the Alliance (5AP)
    Stabilize Diessa Plateau against the Molten Alliance by completing events and returning audio logs to Agent Brandubh. Molten Alliance events award extra progress.

  • Alliance Breaker (25AP)
    Complete the following achievements for Flame and Frost: Refugee Volunteer, Lost and Found, the Gathering Storm, Secret Contact, and Avenger of the Dispossessed.

  • Avenger of the Dispossessed (5 AP)
    Followed Up with Rox and Braham.

  • Hero's Aid (10AP)
    Successfully complete all of the Rox and Braham Living Story instances.

  • Lost and Found (1AP)
    Return 1 belongings to refugees.

  • Rage Against the War Machine (10AP)
    Destroy the Molten Alliance weapons facility in Diessa Plateau.

  • Refugee Volunteer (4AP)
    Assist the refugees 15 times.

  • Secret Contact (15AP)
    Use the Order Cryptotranslator to decrypt 6 dead drops.

  • The Gathering Storm (5AP)
    Kill 150 invaders.

Investigative Study 1 (1AP)

During the Flame and Frost storyline, find and read sources of information on the Molten Alliance.


New Friends, New Enemies - Command Core

1. Letter from Knut (The Command Core)

2. Field Report from Ash Legion (The Command Core)

3. Intel from Crecia (The Command Core)

After the cutscene, talk to Rytlock. Select:

- Any new info about the situation?

- How can I help?

Then enter the quorum. The 3 notes are on the tables in here.


The Battle for Cragstead

4. Blood stained Letter (Cragstead)

At the end of Cragstead, north of Warmspring Grotto PoI.


Molten Furnace

5. Gigarg's Armor (Molten Furnace)

6. Rodion's Blood Transfusion Results (Molten Furnace)

7. Torn Page from Kostya's Lab Journal (Molten Furnace)

8. Bloodied Journal Entry (Molten Furnace)

Pick up the notes at the purple locations shown in the Molten Furnace map above.



Molten Furnace map.webp

Molten Memorial (5AP)

Find hidden keepsakes from the fallen in the Molten Furnace and return them to friends and relatives.

Pick up the notes at the blue locations shown in the Molten Furnace map below.


  1. Crumpled Pages
    This last will and testament, found in a Molten Facility, belonged to a prisoner from the Shredder warband. It is addressed to a Sten Veilshredder in the Black Citadel's Ruins of Rin.

  2. Delivered Crumpled Pages
    Black Citadel. Ruins of Rin Waypoint [&BKwDAAA=]
    Head south, through the arches. Talk to StenVeilshredder.

  3. Torn Letter
    This hastily written letter has smeared words and is flecked with blood. It is addressed to Yngvald, Wolf Lodge in Hoelbrak.

  4. Delivered Torn Letter
    Hoelbrak. Wolf Waypoint [&BIoDAAA=]
    Enter the ledge, turn right & go up the stairs. Talk to Yngvald.

  5. Crude Drawing
    This drawing of a norn woman - her name, Aela, appears below the picture - shows her standing proudly in front of the Lion's Shadow in Lion's Arch.

  6. Delivered Crude Drawing
    Lion's Arch. Eastern Ward Waypoint [&BDEEAAA=]
    Talk to Inkeeper Aela, right by the waypoint.



Molten Furnace map.webp

Secret Contact (15AP)

Use the Order Cryptotranslator to decrypt 6 dead drops.


Diessa Plateau
1. Rocky outcrop, North of the field in Gram Hills, near ore
2. Tall plateau in Gram Hills, near harpy nest
5. Base of a fissure in the rocky field, North of Bovarin Estate
6. By the snowy tree behind Butcher's Yard
3. Pile of rocks outside of Silex Castrum
4. Fallen tree, North of Caravan Wreckage


Wayfarer Foothills
1. Base of a steam vent in Northeast Solitude Vale
3. Base of a large boulder, East of Crossroads Haven
2. Icy meadow, North of Dawnrise Pass
6. Small grove, East of Moleberia
4. Icy rocks, South of Vendrake's Homestead
5. End of Frusenfell Creek, at frozen waterfall



Secret Contact.webp
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