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The Skyscale is a mount that was released with Living World Season 4, Episode 6: War Eternal and the new map, Dragonfall on 14 May 2019.


  • Required Content: GW2: Path of Fire and Living World Season 4

  • Unlock: “War Eternal” story

  • Cost: 41 gold, 5,390 karma, 1,700 volatile magic, 520 Trade Contracts, 250 Kralkatite Ore, 250 Difluorite Crystals, 250 Inscribed Shards, 250 Lumps of Mistonium, 250 Branded Masses, and 260 Mistborn Motes

  • Path of Fire Mastery Points to Fully Unlock: 12


  • Show All Usable Object Names in Options.

  • Keybind your mounts. Go to Options/Control Options & scroll down to Mounts.

  • Farm all the Season 4 map currencies, in preparation of Skyscale Saddle.
    You will need 250 of each!

  • UPDATE: May 28th patch, you can now continue to the next collection achievement after a 2h cooldown.



With Secrets of the Obscure expansion, there is a second way you can get a Skyscale mount! Click here for details!

How to start

First, complete Episode 6: War Eternal story.


Then talk to Gorrik in the southwest area, north of the Mastery Insight, west of Skyscale Eyrie PoI, to begin your journey to obtaining a Skyscale Mount!

(See map below for his location)


After talking to him, you will unlock Newborn Skyscales, Skyscale Scales and Skyscale Medicine achievements.


The following achievements will unlock in this order, so you need to do Newborn Skyscales first before Saving Skyscales is unlocked. ​


Skyscale Scales map
Newborn Skyscales

Something is wrong with the skyscales.

Talk to Gorrik to begin!


  1. A Dire Issue
    Talk to Gorrik in Dragonfall.
    He is in the southwest area, north of the Mastery Insight, west of Skyscale Eyrie PoI.


  2. Skyscale Scales
    Complete the Skyscale Scales collection.

  3. Skyscale Medicine
    Complete the Skyscale Medicine collection.

  4. A Hopeful Cure
    Return to Gorrik in Dragonfall after collecting the scales and medicine.

  5. Skyscale Fever
    Complete the Skyscale Fever collection.

  6. A Sad Discovery
    Return to Gorrik in Dragonfall after administering medicine to the skyscales.

  7. Skyscale Eggs
    Recover all the skyscale eggs.

  8. A Benevolent Mission
    Return to Gorrik in Dragonfall after collecting all the skyscale eggs.

Skyscale Scales

Collect skyscale scales to help Gorrik discover what is ailing the new species of dragon.

From Gorrik

1. Gorrik could have picked this one up himself.
- Face east from Gorrik. Right under the sick Skyscale.

8. Where the tooth of a god meets the waters of an ocean.

- SW area of map, S of MP, on a ledge at the side of the cliff, by the water


The Underworld wp (SW)

9. In the shackled grasp of a mighty dragon.

- From the wp, head NE, into a small cave, by Shackled Grasp PoI.

10. In the shadow of a pinned wing.

- On a ledge, north of Wing's Shadow, Chaos Gate PoI, nearby a Jackal sand portal.

16. Under a dragon's wing.

- A bit further east of #10.

11. On a necrotic coast, falling forever into the sea.

- On a floating rock, west of Necrotic Coast.


Burning Forest wp (NW)

12. Where a wing's shadow ends and a wasteland begins

- From NW shrine, head west past the thermal tube.

13. To the north of a road through a wasteland of fire.

- East of Burning Forest wp, in the rubbles

14. Search near the image of a fallen god.

- West of Burning Forest wp, in the rubbles, by the water


Pact Commander wp

3. Far above the Pact Command.

- On top of the tall pillar, east of Pact Command wp.

2. On a small verdant island along a main road.

- South of Pact Command, bottom level.

17. A dragon's tail may soon sweep this one out to sea.

- Head west from the wp. The scale is on the ground to your right.

15. On a branch where fire meets water.

- N of Umbral Battlegrounds, on a burnt branch, by the water

18. In a stormy canal near a dragon's spine.

- NW of Gnarlgrove, near big crystals, by the water

21. A scale of a lesser creature on the back of an Elder Dragon.

- SW of Pact Command wp, on Kralk's back


Melandru's Lost Domain wp (SE)

7. A root reaching out to the southern sea.

- SE of Mist Warden Camp, on a big root sticking out into the waters.

5. In time, this verdant scale may be washed away.

- North of Melandru's Chalice, E of the vista & Verdance Falls PoI. 

4. Protected by a severed wing.

- South of the skyscale roost in Crystal Wing (E of map)

6. On a moss-covered branch to the north of a moss-covered wood.

- North of Mosswood, on a big branch
19. On a shore where a mossy forest meets a howling gate.

- South of Mosswood vista, by the waterfall
20. In a bat overlooked by the god of death.

- SW of Howling Gate, by the water

Skyscale Scales map
Skyscale Medicine

Obtain ingredients for Gorrik's broad-spectrum medicine.


  1. Activated-Charcoal
    Paste Purchased from the Crystal Bloom Quartermaster in Dragonfall.
    Putting Out Fires (3AP)
    Complete 10 events for the Order of the Crystal Bloom in the Burning Forest. (NW quadrant of the map)
    Then talk to the corresponding Volatile Magic Collector in Pact Command. Buy Mashed Echinacea for 100 Volatile Magic(VM) + 5 Mistborn Mote(MM).

  2. Gravewort Paste
    Purchased from the Olmakhan Quartermaster in Dragonfall.

    Life in the Underworld (3AP)
    Complete 10 events for the Olmakhan in the Underworld. (SW quadrant of the map)
    Then talk to the corresponding Volatile Magic Collector in Pact Command. Buy Activated-Charcoal Paste for 4900 Karma.

  3. Mashed Echinacea
    Purchased from the Mist Warden Quartermaster in Dragonfall.

    Cutting Weeds (3AP)
    Complete 10 events for the Mist Wardens in Melandru's Lost Domain. (SE quadrant of the map)
    Then talk to the corresponding Volatile Magic Collector in Pact Command. 

  4. Stabilized Brandstorm Flux
    Purchased from the Traveling Elonian Trader in Dragonfall.

    Talk to the Volatile Magic Collector in Pact Command; right by the waypoint. Buy Stabilized Brandstorm Flux for 245 Karma + 10 Trade Contracts.

  5. Tincture of Volatile Magic
    Purchased from the Traveling Elonian Trader in Dragonfall.

    Talk to the Volatile Magic Collector in Pact Command; right by the waypoint. Buy Tincture of Volatile Magic for 245 Karma + 10 Trade Contracts.

Skyscale Fever

Feed Gorrik's medicine to each skyscale.

Complete Skyscale Scales & Skyscale Medicine collection achievements to unlock this achievement.


From the Underworld wp

1. Find the ailing skyscale in Sky's Reach.
- Just a bit east of Gorrik.

2. Find the ailing skyscale in Grenth's Teeth.
- West of the vista, on a ledge at the side of the cliff.

3. Find the ailing skyscale in Necrotic Coast.
- NW of Wailing Basin PoI, on top of an outcrop.

4. Find the ailing skyscale in Wing's Shadow.
- Right under the claw of the wing



From Burning Forest wp

5. Find the ailing skyscale in Ember Gate.
- Along the coastline, on a ledge at the side of a cliff
6. Find the ailing skyscale in Virulent Wastes.
- E of the skyscale roost, under a charred tree, high up on an outcrop.
7. Find the ailing skyscale in Scorched Cliffs.
- East of Scorched Cliff vista.
8. Find the ailing skyscale in Umbral Battlegrounds.

- South of the Umbral Battlegrounds MP, on an outcrop



From Pact Command wp


9. Find the ailing skyscale in Dragon's Causeway.

- On an outcrop, SW of Pact Command.
10. Find the ailing skyscale in Gnarlgrove.

- On a branch high up in a tree, S of Gnarlgrove vista.
11. Find the ailing skyscale in the Skein.

- Near Crystal Wing, lowest level, by the water
12. Find the ailing skyscale in Crystal Wing.

- Inside Crystal Wing area, on a high ledge


From Melandru's Lost Domain wp

13. Find the ailing skyscale in Melandru's Chalice.

- Right by Tower of the Third PoI

14. Find the ailing skyscale in Mosswood.

- North of Melandru's Lost Domain wp, W of Melandru's Chalice vista


Skyscale Fever map
Skyscale Eggs

Recover all the skyscale eggs.

Complete Skyscale Fever collection achievement to unlock this achievement.


From The Underworld wp

1. Gorrik could have picked this one up himself.

- Just a bit east of Gorrik.
2. Somewhere in Necrotic Coast.

- West of Wailing Basin PoI, on a ledge facing the sea.
3. Somewhere in Necrotic Coast.

- Further north from #2, west of the vista.
4. Somewhere in Ember Gate.

- Further north from #3, lower level, near the water.


From Burning Forest wp

5. Somewhere in Virulent Wastes.

- SW of Virulent Wastes, under a tree on an outcrop
6. Somewhere in Crystal Bloom Camp

- West of Burning Forest wp, on top of a tree on the cliffs
7. Somewhere in Scorched Cliffs.

- North coast of Scorched Cliffs, lowest level
8. Somewhere in Umbral Battlegrounds.

- South of the MP, on a cliff near the Heart of the Brandstorm.
9. Somewhere in Umbral Battlegrounds.

- Further north from #8, on a tree high above the Trail of Cinder PoI.


From Pact Commander wp

10. Somewhere in Dragon's Causeway.

- SW of Pact Command wp, on a cliff SW of the skyscale roost
11. Somewhere in Gnarlgrove.

- South of the MP, on a cliff
12. Somewhere in Gnarlgrove.

- East of #11, on a tree
13. Somewhere in the Skein.

- South of The Skein, bottom level, on the side of cliff by the water


Melandru's Lost Domain wp

14. Somewhere in the Skein.

- North of the vista, on a high outcrop, under a tree
15. Somewhere in Crystal Wing.

- Near Kralk's wound where you collected his blood in the story.
16. Somewhere in Crystal Wing.

- Further south of #15, on the cliff, below the wing
17. Somewhere in Melandru's Chalice.

- NW from Melandru's Lost Domain wp, on the cliffs
18. Somewhere in Melandru's Chalice.

- Further east of #17
19. Somewhere in Mosswood.

- West of #17 & #18, N of the wp, high up on a tree branch
20. Somewhere in Mosswood.

- West of the wp, S of Mosswood vista


From the Underworld wp

21. Somewhere in Olmakhan Camp.

SW of The Underground wp, on top of statue of Grenth


Return to Gorrik in Dragonfall to wrap up the Skyscales Eggs collection achievement. You can only progress to the next part, Saving Skyscales after a 2h cooldown. Good luck!

Skyscale Eggs map
Skyscale 1
Saving Skyscales

Hatch a skyscale egg.

This achievement unlocks on daily reset after completing Skyscale Eggs Collection Achievement.

I will divide the video into 2 parts as this achievement is quite long!


Talk to Gorrik in Sun's refuge in Jahai Bluff to begin.

Reward: 5AP

  • Complete Season 4 Episode 6 & Newborn Skyscales achievement.

  • You need to have unlocked Sun's Refuge via completing the story "A Star to Guide Us". You cannot enter or talk to Gorrik otherwise.

  • If you don't have Sun's Refuge unlocked on the character you have been doing the collection on but you do have it unlocked on an alt on the same acct, check the mail on that alt.


Part 1

Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out. From Market Ruins wp, head southeast to the Hanging Gardens.
Accept all 4 essences - Water, Fire, Earth & Air. This will complete the first part of each of the 4 collections.



1. Skyscale of Water

  1. The Nature of Water

    Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.

  2. Waters of Ntouka

    Swim to the bottom of Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna.

  3. Waters of Castavall

    Swim to the bottom of Flooded Castavall in Bloodtide Coast.

  4. Waters of Derelict Delve

    Swim in the water chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands. South of Derelict Delve wp. Must have done Rune-Locked Doors achievement to gain access. 




2. Skyscale of Fire

  1. The Nature of Fire
    Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.

  2. Fires of the Legion
    Get burned by lava in the Great Imperial Smelter in the Black Citadel. SE from Junker's wp.

  3. Fires of the Mountain
    Get burned by lava within Mount Maelstrom. North from Maelstrom's wp.

  4. Fires of a God
    Get burned by lava in the Hearth in the Domain of Vabbi. SW of Vehjin Palace wp, in The Foundry.

  5. Fires of the Depths
    Get burned by lava in the fire chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands. South of Derelict Delve wp



4. Skyscale of Earth

  1. The Nature of Earth
    Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.

  2. Sands of Sifuri
    Take damage from quicksand in Crystal Oasis. North of Amnoon wp, near a mastery insight

  3. Sands of Prosperity
    Take damage from quicksand in Drytop. Right by Prosperity wp.

  4. Sands of the Riverlands
    Take damage from quicksand in Elon Riverlands. Around Skimmer Ranch wp.

  5. Sands of Vabbi
    Take damage from quicksand in the Domain of Vabbi. NE of Necropolis wp.


5. Skyscale of Air

  1. The Nature of Air
    Speak with Grand Elder Air Djinn Dhizosai or Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine at Zagonur Cliffs in Domain of Vabbi. Defeat nearby foes to draw them out.

  2. Winds of Tribute
    Get knocked down by a Dust Mite Twister, commonly found in arid desert-like areas. There are some Dust Mite Twisters in Eastern/Western Mihan Hillsides in Vabbi.
  3. Winds of the Garden
    Interact with the Cluster of Winds in the Hidden Garden jumping puzzle in Mount Maelstrom. After you get in, head north, up the hill.

  4. Winds of the Storm
    Get caught in the Brand tornado in Jahai Bluffs.



3. Skyscale of Ice

  1. The Nature of Ice
    Speak with Frigid Paw at Talabaroop Waves in Frostgorge Sound. Just north of Blue Ice Shining wp.

  2. Ice of the Land
    Expose your skyscale egg to the icy chamber in Derelict Delve in Desert Highlands. South of Derelict Delve wp. Must have done Rune-Locked Doors achievement to gain access. 

  3. Ice of the Sea
    Expose your skyscale egg to the water of the ice flow in Thunderhead Peaks. SE of Revolution's Heart wp.

  4. Ice of the Air
    Become encased in an ice prison caused by ice storms in Bitterfrost Frontier or during the Claw of Jormag world boss event. Look for Veteran Corrupted Ice Elementals in Frostwalk Tundra, Frostgorge and let them put you in an ice prison during combat.



6. Skyscale of Life

Do Skyscale of Life and Skyscale of Blood together. Make sure you have Almorra's Directive and Dwayna's Directive buff on you. You need to revive 18 allies and defeat 150 foes altogether.
East of Jeztar Falls wp in Metrica Province, there are lots of NPCs to rez. Low level mobs count too.


  1. The Nature of Life
    Speak with the Priestess of Dwayna at the Plaza of Dwayna in Divinity's Reach.

  2. Giver of Life
    Revive 3 allies while under the effects of Dwayna's Directive.

  3. Champion of Life
    Revive 6 more allies while under the effects of Dwayna's Directive.

  4. Commander of Life
    Revive 9 more allies while under the effects of Dwayna's Directive.



7. Skyscale of Blood

  1. The Nature of Blood
    Speak with General Almorra Soulkeeper at Pact Command in Dragonfall.

  2. Taker of Blood
    Defeat 25 foes while under the effect of Almorra's Directive.

  3. Champion of Blood
    Defeat 50 more foes while under the effect of Almorra's Directive.

  4. Commander of Blood
    Defeat 75 more foes while under the effect of Almorra's Directive.


Part 2


8. Skyscale of Growth

  1. The Nature of Growth
    Speak with the teacher in the Omphalos Chamber above the Grove. Head E from Upper Commons wp to find the Omphalos Chamber elevator.

  2. Growth of Strawberries
    Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the strawberry patch at Brightwater. Inlet in Desert Highlands. Head north from Brightwater wp, in the choya village.

  3. Growth of Artichokes
    Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the artichoke patch at the Necropolis in the Domain of Vabbi. Head SW from Necropolis wp, up on the hills.

  4. Growth of Cauliflower
    Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the cauliflower patch at Elon Flow in Elon Riverlands. Head SE from Olishar's Oasis Camp wp. High on an outcrop.

  5. Growth of Carrots
    Place your skyscale egg in the dirt of the carrot patch at the Bonestrand in the Desolation. Head east from Bonestrand wp.



9. Skyscale of Death

  1. The Nature of Death
    Speak with Sister Lissa at the Necropolis in the Domain of Vabbi. SW of Necropolis wp, right by the HP.

  2. Death of the Exile
    Visit the dead at Exile's Rest in Elon Riverlands. Head east from Skimmer's Ranch wp.

  3. Death of the Conquered
    Visit the dead at the Bone Palace in the Desolation. South of Joko's Domain wp. Might have to do event to open the doorway. 

  4. Death of the Kings
    Visit the dead at the Tomb of Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands.

    Head east from Lommuld Kraal wp & enter the tomb.

  5. Death of the Oppressed
    Visit the dead at Champion's Dawn in the Domain of Istan. Head south from Champion's Dawn wp & enter the tunnel.


10. Skyscale of Spirit

  1. The Nature of Spirit
    Speak with Amaranda the Lonesome at Venlin Vale in Brisban Wildlands. Head NE from Mrot Boru wp & go up the slope.

  2. Spirit of the Lich King
    Visit Palawa Joko's tomb at the Central Brand Scar in Jahai Bluffs. Head NW from Yatendi Village wp to a big Joko head statue.

  3. Spirit of the Centaurs
    Visit the Ancestor Tree at the Ruined Procession in Jahai Bluffs. NW from Venta Pass wp, at Ancestor Tree PoI.

  4. Spirit of the Hero
    Visit the shrine to Turai Ossa's defeat at Deadlock Sweep in Elon Riverlands. NW corner of the map, right by a mastery insight.

  5. Spirit of the Prophet
    Visit Prophet's Fall in Desert Highlands. NE of Makali Outpost wp. Up on a floating platform.


11. Skyscale of Fear

  1. The Nature of Fear
    Speak with Orson at Demon's Maw in Lornar's Pass. Head east from Demon's Maw wp (Sw area of Lornar's Pass).

  2. Astraphobia
    Get hit by a Brandstorm.

  3. Glossophobia
    Teach the class at Vehtendi Academy in the Domain of Vabbi.
    Event: Speak from the lectern to lecture against Joko's brainwashing before the instructor arrives.
    Make sure you attack the mobs & the Veteran Instructor at the end too.

  4. Alektorophobia
    Get attacked by angry chickens at Ebonhawke in Fields of Ruin. South of Fallen Angels Garrison wp in Ebonhawke.

  5. Acrophobia
    Get to the very top of the wall in Blazeridge Steppes. South of Lowland Burns wp. High up on a floating rock.


12. Skyscale of Courage

  1. Courage in Face of Death
    Go to Fort Trinity in Straits of Devastation and tell your egg how you defeated Zhaitan.

  2. Courage in Face of Lost Will
    Go to Camp Resolve in the Silverwastes and tell your egg how you defeated Mordremoth.

  3. Courage in Face of Shattered Faith
    Go to King Joko's Sky Garden in the Domain of Vabbi and tell your egg how you defeated Balthazar.

  4. Courage in Face of Oblivion
    Go to Pact Command in Dragonfall and tell your egg how you defeated Kralkatorrik.

  5. Courage in Face of One's Self
    Defeat your doppelganger at Augury Rock in Elon Riverlands. The last stage of The Path to Ascension event.
    Event: Defeat Branded Josso Essher in the Ascension Chamber 


Return to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge, Jahai Bluffs to wrap up the Saving Skyscales collection achievement. You can only progress to the next part, Raising Skyscales after a 2h cooldown. Good luck!

Skyscale Fever map
Skyscale 4
Raising Skyscales

Care for a hungry skyscale.


  1. A New Life
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.

  2. A New Parent
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.

  3. Skyscale Care
    Collected for your skyscale.

  4. Skyscale Treats
    Collected for your skyscale.

  5. Skyscale Toys
    Collected for your skyscale.

  6. A Growing Child
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.



Skyscale Care

Care for your baby skyscale until it's large enough to leave the nest.


After daily reset, return to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge to check on the skyscale's progress & unlock Raising Skyscale achievement!


You will need 12 Pieces of Skyscale Food altogether. You can either craft or buy them from the trading post. To craft, you will need:

  • 2 Slab of Red Meat

  • 1 Charged Quartz Crystal

  • 5 Glob of Ectoplasm

  • 25 Pile of Bloodstone Dust

How to get Charged Quartz Crystals

  • Rare chance from mining the Quartz Crystal Formation node in your home instance.

  • Convert 25 Quartz Crystals at the following places; once per place, per day, per acct. Make sure you have Quartz Crystals in your bag when you go to these places of power!:

    • Krait Obelisk Shard in home instance

    • Priory Archives in Lornar's Pass

    • Issormir's Body in Wayfarer Foothills

    • Earthen Magic in Queensdale


Feeding Pieces of Skyscale Food to the hatchling

A happy skyscale can be fed up to 4 times daily.
Keep feeding him 4 times a day, for the next 2 days until he becomes a Fullweight Hatchling!

Day 1

2. Pinweight Hatchling
3. Atomweight Hatchling
4. Strawweight Hatchling 


Day 2
5. Flyweight Hatchling 
6. Bantamweight Hatchling 
7. Featherweight Hatchling 


Day 3
8. Lightweight Hatchling 
9. Welterweight Hatchling
10. Middleweight Hatchling


Day 4
11. Cruiserweight Hatchling 
12. Heavyweight Hatchling 
13. Fullweight Hatchling


Skyscale Treats

Care for your baby skyscale until it's large enough to leave the nest.


Although these items are most likely to drop from champion mobs, they do drop from regular mobs as well.


1. Masticated Tasty Karka Leg
Defeat karka to obtain a treat for your skyscale. There are lots of karkas in Southsun Cove. Keep an eye on the right to see if you looted Tasty Karka Leg.


2. Masticated Tasty Dried Cat's Paw
Defeat sand lions to obtain a treat for your skyscale. There are some Sand Lions found in the northern area of Amnoon.


3. Masticated Tasty Dried Flower

6. Masticated Tasty Dried Eel

8. Masticated Tasty Dried Shark
Defeat iboga, sand eels & sand sharks to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

Ibogas, sand eels & sky sharks can be found in Crystal Oasis as well. Mostly around and near Kusini Crossing.


4. Masticated Tasty Dried Carapace
Defeat desert insects to obtain a treat for your skyscale. 

Lots of scarabs in front of Tomb of the Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands.

5. Masticated Tasty Dried Bark
Defeat jacaranda to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

Soma jacarandas can be found to the east & west of Brightwater Inlet in Desert Highlands.

7. Masticated Tasty Dried Hoof
Defeat rock gazelles to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

On the hills, north of Brightwater Inlet in Desert Highlands.

9. Masticated Tasty Bat Wing
Defeat bats to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

Some bats on the hills of Harvest Cascades in Lake Doric.

10. Masticated Tasty Skale Fin
Defeat skales to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Getting the Bog Skales in the swampy area of Lamia Mire, Plains of Ashford.


13. Masticated Tasty Minotaur Flank

Defeat minotaurs to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

There are some Alpine Minotaurs in the Icevine Dale area, on the slopes in Wayfarer Foothills.


11. Masticated Tasty Skelk Liver

Defeat skelks to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

Skelk Lurkers around Voloxian Passage in Metrica Province.


12. Masticated Tasty Spider Leg

Defeat spiders to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

Found some Jungle Spiders near Arterium Haven wp in Metrica Province.


14. Masticated Tasty Wyvern Wing

Defeat wyverns to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

There are some wyverns around Wyvern Cliffs in Verdant Brink.

There are also some up on the rocks of Sandswept Isles, Griffonstone Buttresses.


Return to the skyscale hatchling in Sun's Refuge and give all 14 treats to        
the hatchling!

Skyscale Toys

Purchase toys from around Tyria to give to your skyscale.


1. Used Hardy Ball

Purchase a Hardy Ball from Jannat at Vehtendi Academy in the Domain of Vabbi, then give it to your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.

Port to Vehtendi Academy wp [&BA8KAAA=] in Domain of Vabbi & go into the Academy. Enter the first classroom on the left. Exit at the back & go down the steps. On the ground floor, purchase a Hardy Ball from Jannat for 1 gold.​


2. Used Bird Whistle

Purchase a Bird Whistle from Gortho, Son of Malik near Gladefall Run in Iron Marches, then give it to your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.

Port to Gladefall wp [&BO4BAAA=] in Iron Marches & cross the bridge south of you. Purchase a Bird Whistle from Gortho, Son of Malik for 2 gold.

3. Used Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket

Purchase a Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket from Herder Lyot near Bouldermouth Vale in Lornar's Pass, then give it to your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.

Port to Afgar's wp [&BFMGAAA=] in Lornar's Pass & head west to the heart. Purchase a Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket from Herder Lyot for 3 gold.


​4. Used Grow Lamp

Craft a Grow Lamp with a jeweler using a recipe obtained in Drytop, or purchase one from the Trading Post. Give the resulting item to your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.


Grow Lamp Recipe is only available in Dry Top if Tier 3 or higher of Favor of the Zephyrites has been achieved, for 7s 36c 55 Geode. [&BIAHAAA=]


Can be crafted by 400 Jeweler ONCE a day with:

  • 10 Charged Quartz Crystal 

  • 10 Orichalcum Setting 

  • 25 Sunstone Lump 

  • 25 Watchwork Sprocket


Return to the skyscale hatchling in Sun's Refuge and give all 4 toys to the hatchling!


Finish Skyscale Care, Skyscale Treats & Skyscale Toys.

Then return to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge, Jahai Bluffs to wrap up the Raising Skyscales collection achievement.You can only progress to the next part, Troublesome Skyscales after a 2h cooldown. Good luck!



Skyscale 3
Troublesome Skyscales

Teach a troublesome skyscale.


  1. A Fearful Message
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.

  2. Skyscale Lost
    Collected for your skyscale.

  3. A Homecoming
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.

  4. Skyscale Stealth
    Collected for your skyscale.

  5. Skyscale Reflexes
    Collected for your skyscale.

  6. A Capable Skyscale
    Acquired while tracking and training your skyscale.



Skyscale Lost

Track down your skyscale.


After daily reset, return to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge to check on the skyscale's progress & unlock Troublesome Skyscales achievement!

Gorrik will give you an Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat and the recipe for it (400 Chef).

If you are stuck or an event is bugged, you can go to the area and use the Treat to complete that part of the achievement.

I did this for #21 as the Branded Ley-Line Anomaly did not spawn after 1.5h.


Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat

  • 1  Smell-Enhancing Culture

  • 1  Charged Quartz Crystal

  • 2  Slab of Red Meat

  • 10  Pile of Bloodstone Dust


1. Displaced Tower

Find your Skyscale at the Displaced Tower jumping puzzle in Jahai Bluffs.

NW from Yahtendi Village wp. Need a Springer to get up there.


2. Loyalist Warren

Find your Skyscale at the top of Loyalist Warren in Domain of Kourna.

NW from Allied Encampment wp. High up on a rock pillar.


3. Eastern Complex

Find your Skyscale in the Eastern Complex in the Sandswept Isles.

South of Anniogel Encampment wp. Right by Sandswept Isles Griffon Expert Course.


4. Buried Archives

Find your Skyscale in the Buried Archives jumping puzzle in the Cursed Shore.

Head south from Anchorage wp. The JP is east of Cathedral of Silence.


5. Skipping Stones

Find your Skyscale in the Spelunker's Delve jumping puzzle in the Caledon Forest.

Head south from Sleive's wp. Can use a Springer inside the JP.


6. Goemm's Lab

Find your Skyscale in the Goemm's Lab jumping puzzle in the Metrica Province.

Head south from Cuatl wp. JP entrance is on the left. 
There are 3 areas - windy, stormy & chilly.
You MUST click on the Attuner Device before you can enter the next area.
Watch out for wind! Use stability when it's up!
You can check with the Golem Assistant to see if you are attuned.​


8. Fawcett's Bounty

Find your Skyscale in the Fawcett's Bounty jumping puzzle in the Harathi Hinterlands.

Just east of Arca wp. You can do the JP or... use my shortcut! Need Bond of Faith mastery

(Mount skill 8) to do this.​


9. Shattered Ice Ruins

Find your Skyscale in the Shattered Ice Ruins jumping puzzle in the Frostgorge Sound.

From Ice Floe wp, head east, then go underwater. There's an underwater entrance. Go in & head up the steps to the skyscale.​


10. Spider King

​Find your Skyscale in the Rebel's Seclusion jumping puzzle in the Fireheart Rise.
From Breaktooth's wp, head N & turn right. Springer up to the skyscale ledge.


11. Griffonrook Run

​Find your Skyscale in the Griffonrook Run jumping puzzle in the Lornar's Pass.
Head south of False Lake wp to the underwater entrance.
Take the Teleportation Stone up & head east.
Make sure you are at full HP before you make big jumps!


12. Coddler's Cove

Find your Skyscale in the Coddler's Cove jumping puzzle in the Timberline Falls.

Head south from Okarinoo wp & run on the ledge. Entrance on the left.
Jump carefully to the ledge where the skyscale is.


14. Highjump Ranch Spire

Find your Skyscale near the Highjump Ranch in Desert Highlands.

Head west from Highjump Ranch wp. On top of a rock pillar.


15. City above the Flats

Find your Skyscale high in the sky above the Desert Highlands.

Head to the NW area of Salt Flats & look for a Jackal sand portal. Go through it & turn left to another portal. Then follow the sandy road! ​


16. Maculate Fringe

Find your Skyscale above Maculate Fringe in Crystal Oasis.

Head east from Temple of Kormir wp. Head up the crystal mountain.
There is a Jackal sand portal near the HP, go through it & follow the road.​


17. Glint's Legacy

Find your Skyscale near Glint's Legacy in Crystal Oasis.

Use a Springer to get over the high wall. Or a Griffon if you have one.
The skyscale is in the southern area, on some huts.​


18. Sanctum of Nabkha

Find your Skyscale in the Sanctum of Nabkha in Crystal Oasis.

Head west from Destiny's Gorge wp. Go into Sanctum of Nabkha area.
Enter the Jackal sand portal on the ground, west side of the sanctum.
Keep going till you reach a room full of portals & follow the steps shown.​


20. Skimshallow Cove Spire

Find your Skyscale in Skimshallow Cove in Elon Riverlands.

Head SW from Skimmer Ranch wp. Go to the top of the rock mountain.


The following 4 locations require you to complete events. Check the event timer to know when the event is coming up!


7. Shadow Behemoth

Rescue your Skyscale from the Shadow Behemoth in the Queensdale.

Head SW into the swamp from Godslost wp. Get the skyscale after defeating Shadow Behemoth.


19. Hall of Ascension

Find your Skyscale in the Hall of Ascension in Elon Riverlands.

This is The Path of Ascension meta event that starts near Augury's Shadow wp. Go right to the top ledge from the inside of the mountain. 

21. Branded Ley-Line Anomaly

Rescue your Skyscale from the Branded Ley-Line Anomaly in the Domain of Vabbi.

Head to the NE corner of the map from Market Ruins wp.
The Anomaly didn't spawn for me so I used the Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat! 


13. Inquest Golem Mark II

Rescue your Skyscale from the Inquest Golem Mark II in the Mount Maelstrom.

Head north from Old Sledge Site wp.
Get the skyscale after defeating Inquest Golem Mark II.


Talk to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge to unlock the next 2 collection, Skyscale Stealth & Skyscale Reflexes from the Troublesome Skyscales achievement. Good luck!

Skyscale Stealth

Play hide-and-seek with your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.

Put a target on your Skyscale before counting down!


  1. Stealthy Apprentice
    Playing hide-and-seek taught your skyscale to be stealthier.

  2. Stealthy Journeyman
    Playing hide-and-seek taught your skyscale to be stealthier.

  3. ​Stealthy Master
    Playing hide-and-seek taught your skyscale to be stealthier.



Skyscale Reflexes

Play catch with your skyscale in Sun's Refuge.

Simply stand in the white circle before the ball comes back to you!


  1. Agile Apprentice
    Playing catch improved your skyscale's reflexes.

  2. Agile Journeyman
    Playing catch improved your skyscale's reflexes.

  3. ​Agile Master
    Playing catch improved your skyscale's reflexes.


Finish Skyscale Lost, Skyscale Stealth & Skyscale Reflexes.

Then return to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge, Jahai Bluffs to wrap up the Troublesome Skyscales collection achievement.You can only progress to the next part, Riding Skyscales after a 2h cooldown. Good luck!

Skyscale 2
Riding Skyscales

Learn to fly on your skyscale.


  1. A Skyscale's Choice
    Talk to Gorrik in Sun's Refuge.

  2. Skyscale Saddle
    Complete the Skyscale Saddle collection.

  3. A Lesson in Flying
    Meet Gorrik on a bluff just to the northeast of the Fortress of Jahai in Jahai Bluffs.

  4. Skyscale Flight
    Collected for your skyscale.



Skyscale Saddle

Gather components for Gorrik to make a saddle so that you can ride your skyscale.

You will need:

  • 35 gold

  • 500 Trade Contracts from PoF maps

  • 1500 Volatile Magic

  • 250 of each Season 4 map currencies 


  1.  Elonian Sandpaper
    (5g + 500 Trade Contract)
    Purchase from Priory Historian Elisa somewhere in the Crystal Desert.
    She is a roaming NPC, Check on the website to see where she is today.


  2. Corsair Sailcloth
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Kralkatite Ore)
    Purchase from Alaleh at Chalon Docks in the Domain of Istan.
    She is the Volatile Magic Collector at Chalon Docks wp.


  3. Olmakhan Leather
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Difluorite Crystal)
    Purchase from Ethall at Altholma in Sandswept Isles.
    She is the Volatile Magic Collector at Altholma wp.


  4. Extra-Sticky Tar
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Inscribed Shard)
    Purchase from Nalar at the Allied Encampment in the Domain of Kourna.
    She is the Volatile Magic Collector at Allied Encampment wp.

  5. Lubinella Cadentis Silk
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Lump of Mistonium)
    Purchase from Trader Hyacinth at Yatendi Village.
    She is the Volatile Magic Collector at Yatendi Village wp.

  6. Deldrimor Rivets
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Branded Mass)
    Purchase from Kynon at the Forge in Thunderhead Peaks.
    He is the Volatile Magic Collector at Observation Deck wp.

  7. Mist-Infused Saddle Oil
    (5g + 250 Volatile Magic + 250 Mistborn Mote)
    Purchase from the Traveling Elonian Trader at Pact Command in Dragonfall.
    He is the Volatile Magic Collector, right by Pact Command wp.



Skyscale Flight

Help your skyscale get accustomed to flying with you, and help Gorrik investigate various tears in reality that have appeared in the air across Tyria. Find Flying Lesson nodes near the tears to call your skyscale to you.


This time, Gorrik is in Jahai Bluffs; on a cliff, east of Fortress of Jahai and southeast from the Mastery Point there.


  1. Jahai Bluffs​
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Jahai Bluffs.
    South of Reclaimed Chantry Waypoint [&BJkLAAA=]
    After talking to Gorrik, get on the skyscale & fly to the rift nearby. That Rift Repair mastery will only appear after you complete the skyscale collection.


  2. Domain of Vabbi
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Domain of Vabbi.
    Right by Vehtendi Academy Waypoint [&BA8KAAA=]


  3. Sandswept Isles
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Sandswept Isles.
    Nearby Anniogel Encampment Waypoint [&BCULAAA=]. Land on ledge to regain endurance.


  4. Domain of Kourna
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Domain of Kourna.
    From Allied Encampment Waypoint [&BFcLAAA=], head NW to Arkjok Farmlands. The Flying Lesson is on top of one of the buildings. Rift is SW from here.


  5. The Desolation
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in The Desolation.
    From Bonestrand Waypoint [&BNwKAAA=], head south to the top of the building. Then face west.


  6. Domain of Istan
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Domain of Istan.
    Right by Chalon Docks Waypoint [&BAkLAAA=], on the pier.


  7. Thunderhead Peaks
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Thunderhead Peaks.
    Right by Revolution's Heart Waypoint [&BKYLAAA=]. Rift is above the water tank. 


  8. Elon Riverlands
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Elon Riverlands.
    SE of Skimmer Ranch Waypoint [&BGcKAAA=], in the quicksand area. Rift is SW from here.


  9. Dragonfall
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Dragonfall.
    On the rock pillar, south of Pact Command Waypoint [&BN4LAAA=]. Rift is NW from here. 


  10. Dry Top
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Dry Top.
    On a ledge, east of Vine Bridge Waypoint [&BIYHAAA=]. Rift is lower east side of the ledge.


  11. Crystal Oasis
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Crystal Oasis.
    On a broken bridge, east of Temple of Kormir Waypoint [&BEAKAAA=]. Rift is far under the bridge.


  12. The Silverwastes
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in The Silverwastes.
    High up, south of Camp Resolve Waypoint [&BH8HAAA=]. Rift is nearby.


  13. Blazeridge Steppes
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Blazeridge Steppes.
    Close by Lowland Burns Waypoint [&BE4DAAA=]. Rift is nearby too.


  14. Diessa Plateau
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Diessa Plateau. 
    On the vista, east of Redreave Mill Waypoint [&BMYDAAA=]. Rift is by the outcrop, NW from here.


  15. Fireheart Rise
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Fireheart Rise.    
    On the hill, west of Simurgh Waypoint [&BCUCAAA=]. Rift is by the wp.


  16. ​Iron Marches
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Iron Marches.
    On the water tank, south of Village of Scalecatch Waypoint [&BOcBAAA=]. Rift is close by.


  17. Frostgorge Sound
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Frostgorge Sound.    
    NW of Ridgerock Camp Waypoint [&BIMCAAA=]. Rift is north from here.


  18. Dredgehaunt Cliffs
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.    
    Up the hill from Wyrmblood Waypoint [&BGUCAAA=]. Rift is above the broken vessel, NW from here. 


  19. Lornar's Pass
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Lornar's Pass.
    Up the hill, SE of Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint [&BJgBAAA=]. Rift is at a lower level.


  20. Timberline Falls
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Timberline Falls.    
    South of Iron Veil Waypoint [&BFMCAAA=]. Rift is by the wp.


  21. Sparkfly Fen
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Sparkfly Fen.
    On the hill, east of Forvar's Waypoint [&BMoBAAA=]. Rift is SW from here.


  22. Mount Maelstrom
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Mount Maelstrom.    
    North of Irwin Isle Waypoint [&BNICAAA=]. Rift is by the wp.


  23. Bloodtide Coast
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Bloodtide Coast.    
    Above Stormbluff Waypoint [&BKUBAAA=]. Rift is far north from here, by the bridge.


  24. Harathi Hinterlands
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Harathi Hinterlands.    
    Above Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint [&BKgAAAA=]. Rift is nearby, at a lower level.


  25. Desert Highlands
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Desert Highlands.
    On an outcrop, west of Highjump Ranch Waypoint [&BJ0KAAA=]. Rift is east from here.

  26. Straits of Devastation
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Straits of Devastation.    
    On the hill, NW of Fort Trinity Waypoint [&BO4CAAA=]. Rift is close by.


  27. ​Cursed Shore
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Cursed Shore.
    In a structure, east of Gavbeorn's Waypoint [&BBoDAAA=]. Need to ascend & descend, south side.


  28. Malchor's Leap
    Investigate reality tears with your skyscale in Malchor's Leap.
    On a structure, close by Colonnade Waypoint [&BKkCAAA=]. Rift is near the wp.






Skyscale (Secrets of the Obscure)

In Secrets of the Obscure, you get to use a Skyscale but only in SOTO maps.


How to Start

Once you complete SOTO Chapter 2: Hell Breaks Loose, remember to put in a mastery point into Flight Mastery to unlock A New Friend achievement collection that allows you to use the Skyscale anywhere in Tyria!


SOTO Masteries Needed





Skyscale 5
A New Friend

Raise a skyscale by completing skyscale collections for Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.


  1. Find an abandoned skyscale egg.

  2. Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages.

  3. Complete Skyscale Egg Infusions.

  4. Complete Skyscale Growing Comforts.

  5. Complete Skyscale Saddle Materials.

  6. Train Rising Spirits in Flight Training Mastery.

  7. Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at the Beacon of Ages.






Abandoned Skyscale Egg

After unlocking A New Friend, the next step is to find an abandoned skyscale egg.

Once you find an egg, you can continue to Skyscale Egg Infusions.


Skywatch Archipelago

Abandoned Skyscale Nests location (Skywatch Archipelago)
Abandoned Skyscale Nests location (Amnytas)
Skyscale Egg Infusion

Infuse your skyscale egg with all the necessary magics, then bring it to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.


1. Skyscale Egg Infusion List

Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.

2. Skyscale of Water
Castavall Waypoint [&BK4BAAA=]
Swim down from the waypoint into a tunnel.

3. Skyscale of Fire
Junker's Waypoint [&BDcEAAA=]
Climb into the lava at the Great Imperial Smelter.

4. Skyscale of Ice
Sorrow's Eclipse Waypoint [&BH0JAAA=]
Run into an Ice Storm around the waypoint and get incased by ice.

5. Skyscale of Earth
Prosperity Waypoint [&BHoHAAA=]
Run from the waypoint into the quicksand.

6. Skyscale of Air
Enter the Hidden Garden Jumping puzzle area in Mount Maelstrom by defeating one of the keepers & entering the portal that they spawn. (Keeper location)
Head North to the Cluster of Wind part of the puzzle. You don't have to do the whole Jumping puzzle.

7. Skyscale of Life
Revive 20 allies (the achievement qualification incorrectly states only 15 revives are necessary). See Skyscale of Life for tips for areas with easy revives.

8. Skyscale of Blood
Blood Hill Waypoint [&BI0BAAA=]
Kill 100 enemies around or within the Blood Hill Camps territory of Gendarran Fields

9. Skyscale of Growth
Reckoner's Waypoint [&BLsEAAA=]
From the waypoint run northwest into the tunnel, then north.

10. Skyscale of Death
Murdered Dreams Waypoint [&BCIDAAA=]
Run west from the waypoint. When you're at the hero point, turn north.

11. Skyscale of Spirit
Dewclaw Waypoint [&BOIBAAA=]
Interact with the hero point. (if applicable: need to have done the quartz charge)

12. Skyscale of Fear
Fallen Angels Garrison Waypoint [&BFEBAAA=]
Attack the chickens on the farm until angry chickens attack you.

13. Skyscale of Courage
Defeat 4 world bosses.

14. Receipt for Infusion Skyscale Egg
Obtained by speaking to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne after infusing the skyscale egg with every magic on her list.


keeper location
Skyscale Growing Comforts

Collect all the food, treats, and toys to raise a skyscale, and bring them to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.


1. Skyscale Comforts List
You received this from Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages.

2. Skyscale Treat
Bring 12 Pieces of Skyscale Food to Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages.

3. Tasty Kryptis Skin
Defeat kryptis to obtain a treat for your skyscale.

4. Tasty Trail Ration
Defeat jotun to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Wayfarer Foothills/Kresdor Kenning - Grawlenfjord wp

5. Tasty Devourer Carapace
Defeat devourers to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Grothmar Valley. West of Dalada Forest

6. Tasty Chak Legs
Defeat chak to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Tangled Depth. Around Ley-Line Confluence Waypoint [&BPUHAAA=]

7. Tasty Moss-Covered Bark
Defeat treants to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Queensdale. West of Phinney Waypoint [&BPMAAAA=]

8. Tasty Wurm Segment
Defeat wurms to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Plains of Ashford. South of Spirit Hunter Camp waypoint

9. Tasty Ooze-Cured Meat
Defeat oozes to obtain a treat for your skyscale.
Metrica Province. Northwest of Akk Wilds Waypoint.

10. Forged Ankle Joint
Defeat Forged to obtain a toy for your skyscale.
Crystal Oasis. Destiny's Gorge waypoint.

11. Bird Whistle
Purchase a Bird Whistle from Gortho, Son of Malik, near Gladefall Run in the Iron Marches. Gladefall Waypoint [&BO4BAAA=] 2g

12. Plush Quaggan
Purchase a Quaggan Plush from Sven Edson in the Wizard's Tower. Tower Courtyard Waypoint [&BB8OAAA=] 10g

13. Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket
Purchase a Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket from Herder Lyot near Bouldermouth Vale in Lornar's Pass. Afgar's Waypoint [&BFMGAAA=]

14. Receipt for Skyscale Comforts
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages once you've finished this list.


Skyscale Saddle Materials

Collect all the food, treats, and toys to raise a skyscale, and bring them to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne.


1. Skyscale Saddle Parts List
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne at Wizard's Ascent in Skywatch Archipelago.

2. Stardust-Infused Leather
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of the Natural in Amnytas.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Pinch of Stardust

3. Mist-Infused Saddle Oil
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of the Obscure in Amnytas.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Pinch of Stardust

4. Jade-Spun Silk Thread
Purchase from Faction Provisioner near Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03 in Skywatch Archipelago.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Static Charge

5. Durable Saddle Hardware
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Strength in Amnytas.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Essence of Despair

6. Rich Maguuman Mahogany
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at Rata Novus Promenade in Skywatch Archipelago.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Essence of Despair

7. Saddlebag of Holding
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Balance in Amnytas.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Pinch of Stardust

8. Deldrimor Rivets
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at Droknar's Light in Skywatch Archipelago.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Static Charge

9. Garenhoff-Weave Cloth
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at Wizard's Ascent in Skywatch Archipelago.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Essence of Despair

10. Elonian Sandpaper
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Skyward Marches in Skywatch Archipelago.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Static Charge

11. Extra-Sticky Tar
Purchase from Faction Provisioner at the Bastion of Knowledge in Amnytas.
3 Provisioner Tokens + 125 Essence of Despair

12. Receipt for Skyscale Saddle Parts
Talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne near the Beacon of Ages once you've finished this list.



Train Rising Spirits in Flight Training Mastery.

Then, talk to Skyscale Trainer Dyanne after you have completed the above.





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