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Wayfarer's Henge

Wayfarer's Henge came out with the map, Draconis Mons, a zone in the Ring of Fire, just north of Ember Bay. It was released with Flashpoint of Living World Season 3 on 2 May 2017.




Achievements to complete



Wayfarer' s henge
The Druid Stone

Melandru's blessing to the most devout of her followers was to become one with nature and leave behind their physical construct. Pay tribute to and learn from the druid spirits in Draconis Mons to cultivate your relationship with nature through the Druid Stone.


Pre-requisite: Talk to Lady Camilla in Allied Encampment.


  1. Volcano's Heart
    Earned by completing the Heart of Volcano instance.
    Click on the Volcano's Heart to add it to your collection.

  2. Druid Runestone
    Used in your journey to become closer to the magic of the ancient druids.

  3. The Druid's Story
    - Bring a Druid Runestone to Kodama in the Savage Rise of Draconis Mons as a token of your friendship.
    - You need 5 Druid Runestone Fragments to combine into 1 Druid Runestone. You can get 1 Druid Runestone Fragment a day from each heart vendor and 1 from the Unbound Magic vendor by Mariner’s Landing waypoint. So that adds up to 5 Druid Runestone Fragment (1 Druid Runestone) a day. Make sure to click on the 5 Druid Runestone Fragments to make 1 Druid Runestone.
    - Port to Heathen's Hold waypoint & drop down the side. Drop/glide down to the lowest ledge that you can see as you're going down. If you see lots of grubs, then you're at the right place! Go further in till you see Kodama!

  4. A Flower for Kodama
    Bring a Fire Orchid to Kodama in the Savage Rise.
    Same as above.

  5. A Flower for Liriodendron
    Bring a Fire Orchid to Liriodendron in the watering hole of the Savage Rise.
    Primordial Orchids can be found anywhere in Draconis Mons. Get at least 5.
    Port to Heathen's Hold waypoint, drop down the side & glide to Peace Grounds POI.

  6. A Flower for Broadleaf
    Bring a Fire Orchid to Broadleaf on a ledge above the Savage Rise.
    Port to Heathen's Hold waypoint & take the first thermal tube. Glide out mid-jump & head southwest. Broadleaf is on a long, green ledge, just under Rata Arcanum.

  7. A Flower for Rosewood
    Bring a Fire Orchid to Rosewood on a ledge above the Ancient Hollow.

Awakening the Druid Stone

Continue to cultivate your relationship with nature through tributes to the druid spirits of Draconis Mons.

Pre-requisite: The Druid Stone


1. Druid Stone
Obtained from completing The Druid Stone.

Greater Wardbough Runestone
2. Element of the Wardbough
Dropped by the Greater Wardbough in Draconis Mons.
Defeat the Greater Wardbough at the Eternal Pool in Savage Rise. See Nature's Wrath.

3. Wardbough's Runestone
Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Wardbough with a Druid Runestone to create a Wardbough Runestone.

4. Wardbough's Rest
Bring the Wardbough Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Arboreal Runestone
5. Element of the Arbor
Given by the Restless Arboreal Spirit in Brisban Wildlands.
Port to Seraph Observers waypoint and go to Hidden Lake in Brisban Wildlands. Talk to Restless Arboreal Spirit Hero Challenge NPC and ask him for an item. He will give you an Arboreal Runestone for the collection.

6. Arboreal Runestone
Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Arbor with a Druid Runestone to create an Arboreal Runestone.

7. Arboreal Rest
Bring the Arboreal Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Oakheart's Runestone

8. Element of the Oakhearts
Dropped by the Rotting Ancient Oakheart in Queensdale.
Port to Phinney waypoint in Queensdale and wait for the Rotting Ancient Oakheart to begin. Defeat the oakheart for an Element of the Oakhearts.

9. Oakheart's Runestone
Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Oakhearts with a Druid Runestone to create an Oakheart's Runestone.

10. Oakheart's Rest
Bring the Oakheart's Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Fire Orchids

11. A Bouquet for Kodama
Bring 3 Fire Orchids to Kodama in the Savage Rise.

12. A Bouquet for Liriodendron
Bring 3 Fire Orchids to Liriodendron in the watering hole of the Savage Rise.

13. A Bouquet for Broadleaf
Bring 3 Fire Orchids to Broadleaf on a ledge above the Savage Rise.

14. A Bouquet for Rosewood
Bring 3 Fire Orchids to Rosewood on a ledge above the Ancient Hollow.

Sprouting the Druid Stone

Continue to cultivate your relationship with nature through tributes to the druid spirits of Draconis Mons.


1. Living Druid Stone
Obtained from completing Awakening the Druid Stone.


Stonehead King

2. Element of the Saurians

Dropped by the Stonehead King in Draconis Mons.
Defeat the Stonehead King, just south of Peace grounds POI. See Dinosaur King Ascension.

3. Saurian Runestone

Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Saurians with a Druid Runestone to create a Saurian Runestone.

4. Saurian Rest

Bring the Saurian Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Emperor Mattake

5. Element of the Empire

Dropped by the Emperor Mattake in Draconis Mons.
Defeat Emperor Mattake in Ancient Hollow, just east of Ancient Hollow waypoint. See Expensive Taste.

6. Imperial Runestone

Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Empire with a Druid Runestone to create an Imperial Runestone.

7. Imperial Rest

Bring the Imperial Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Webby Mother

8. Element of Webby

Dropped by the Webby Mother in Draconis Mons.
Defeat Webby Mother in Ancient Hollow, just north of Ancient Hollow waypoint. See Arachnogenesis.

9. Webby Runestone

Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of Webby with a Druid Runestone to create a Webby Runestone.

10. Webby Rest

Bring the Webby Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Bloodstone-Charged Lava Wurm

11. Element of the Wurm

Dropped by the Bloodstone-Charged Lava Wurm in Draconis Mons.
Defeat Bloodstone-Charged Lava Wurm in Heathen's Hold, just north of Heathen's Hold waypoint. See Wurm Slurper.

12. Wurm Runestone

Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of the Wurm with a Druid Runestone to create a Wurm Runestone.

13. Wurm Rest

Bring the Wurm Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Inquest Power Suit

14. Element of Arcanum

Dropped by the Inquest Power Suit in Draconis Mons.
Defeat Inquest Power Suit in Rata Arcanum. See Powerless Suit.

15. Arcanum Runestone

Kodama in Draconis Mons would be interested in this.
Combine the Element of Arcanum with a Druid Runestone to create an Arcanum Runestone.

16. Arcanum Rest

Bring the Arcanum Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.


Fire Orchids

17. A Charged Bouquet for Kodama

Bring 5 Fire Orchids and a Charged Lodestone to Kodama in the Savage Rise.

18. A Glacial Bouquet for Liriodendron

Bring 5 Fire Orchids and a Glacial Lodestone to Liriodendron in the watering hole of the Savage Rise.

19. An Onyx Bouquet for Broadleaf

Bring 5 Fire Orchids and an Onyx Lodestone to Broadleaf on a ledge above the Savage Rise.

20. A Molten Bouquet for Rosewood

Bring 5 Fire Orchids and a Molten Lodestone to Rosewood on a ledge above the Ancient Hollow.

21. Propagation of the Fire Orchid

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil near Kodama in the Savage Rise of Draconis Mons. You can get Fire Orchid Seeds from chopping Primordial Orchids.

A Henge Away from Home

Your dedication to nature is proving fruitful, but there is still much to do. Continue to show your respect for Melandru's druids and help bring their magic out into the world again.


1. Blooming Druid Stone

Obtained from completing Sprouting the Druid Stone.

2. Heavy Houndskin Mantle

Obtained from the Houndskin Mantle Box by completing Flashpoint Mastery (20 Flashpoint achievements completed).


Destroyer Aestus

3. Element of Aestus

Dropped by the Destroyer Aestus in Draconis Mons.
Defeat the Lieutenant Legendary Destroyer Aestus at Frothing Pedestal POI, northeast of the map. See Terror of the Boiling Sea.

4. Aestus Runestone

Bring the Aestus Runestone, Ignis Runestone, and Desecrator Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Aestus with a Druid Runestone to create an Aestus Runestone.


Destroyer Ignis

5. Element of Ignis

Dropped by the Destroyer Ignis in Draconis Mons.
Defeat the Lieutenant Legendary Destroyer Ignis at Seething Pillar POI, northwest of the map. See Terror of the Boiling Sea.

6. Ignis Runestone

Bring the Aestus Runestone, Ignis Runestone, and Desecrator Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Ignis with a Druid Runestone to create an Ignis Runestone.


Molten Desecrator

7. Element of the Desecrator

Dropped by the Molten Desecrator in Draconis Mons.
Defeat the Molten Desecrator just south of Titan's Throat.

8. Desecrator Runestone

Bring the Aestus Runestone, Ignis Runestone, and Desecrator Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of the Desecrator with a Druid Runestone to create a Desecrator Runestone.

9. Destroyer's Rest

Bring the Aestus Runestone, Ignis Runestone, and Desecrator Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.



10. Element of Fire

Dropped by Fire Elementals.
Dropped by Fire Elementals across Tyria. Some can be found east of Heathen's Hold waypoint.

11. Volcanic Runestone

Bring a Volcanic Runestone, a Glacial Runestone, a Charged Runestone, and an Earthen Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Fire with a Druid Runestone to create a Volcanic Runestone.

12. Element of Water

Dropped by Ice Elementals.
Dropped by Ice Elementals across Tyria e.g. Trionic Lattice in Frostgorge Sound & Shiverspur Front in Gendarran Fields.

13. Glacial Runestone

Bring a Volcanic Runestone, a Glacial Runestone, a Charged Runestone, and an Earthen Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Water with a Druid Runestone to create a Glacial Runestone.

12. Element of Air

Dropped by Air Elementals.
Dropped by Air Elementals and Sparks across Tyria e.g. Stonescatter Wash in Lornar's Pass & Dierdre's Steps in Mount Maelstrom.

13. Charged Runestone

Bring a Volcanic Runestone, a Glacial Runestone, a Charged Runestone, and an Earthen Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Air with a Druid Runestone to create a Charged Runestone.

14. Element of Earth

Dropped by Earth Elementals.
Dropped by Earth Elementals across Tyria. Some can be found south of Heathen's Hold waypoint.

15. Earthen Runestone

Bring a Volcanic Runestone, a Glacial Runestone, a Charged Runestone, and an Earthen Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.
Combine the Element of Earth with a Druid Runestone to create an Earthen Runestone.

16. Elemental Rest

Bring a Volcanic Runestone, a Glacial Runestone, a Charged Runestone, and an Earthen Runestone to Kodama in Draconis Mons.

17. Druid's Vision

Bring a Vision Crystal to Kodama in Druid's Grotto in Draconis Mons.

Fire Orchids

18. A Storm Bouquet for Kodama

Bring 10 Fire Orchids and 5 Charged Lodestones to Kodama in the Savage Rise.

19. A Frozen Bouquet for Liriodendron

Bring 10 Fire Orchids and 5 Glacial Lodestones to Liriodendron in the watering hole of the Savage Rise.

20. An Earthen Bouquet for Broadleaf

Bring 10 Fire Orchids and 5 Onyx Lodestones to Broadleaf on a ledge above the Savage Rise.

21. An Infernal Bouquet for Rosewood

Bring 10 Fire Orchids and 5 Molten Lodestones to Rosewood on a ledge above the Ancient Hollow.


Fire Orchid Seeds

22. Dierdre's Orchard

Plant 3 Fire Orchid Seeds in the garden of Dierdre's Steps in Mount Maelstrom.
There are 4 events in Mt Maelstrom to defeat a Keeper of an element. Pick one & defeat the Keeper, then enter the portal that opens. Head west till you see a plot of farming land.

23. Maguuma's Orchard

Plant 3 Fire Orchid Seeds in the garden of the oasis in Dry Top.
Port to Vine Bridge waypoint & head north to Uplands Oasis.

24. Melandru's Orchard

Plant 3 Fire Orchid Seeds in the Cathedral of Verdance in Cursed Shore.
Port to Verdance waypoint or if contested, Meddler's waypoint & head north to Cathedral of Verdance. The fertile Soil is right up the ramp.


Fire Orchid Seeds & Fertile Soil

25. Seaside Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil on one of the islands of the Eastern Boiling Sea in Draconis Mons.
Port to Ancient Hollow waypoint & head east. Drop/glide down to the island.

26. Wind Rider Ledge Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil overlooking Wind Rider Ledge in Draconis Mons.
Do this after Ancient Hollow Propogation. From there, glide out southwest to the ledges above Wind Rider Ledge.

27. Rata Arcanum Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil of the biolumiscent cave above Rata Arcanum in Draconis Mons.
Port to Heathen's Hold waypoint & take the 2 thermal tubes. The spot is just west of Asura Gate POI, near some grubs.
Nu II Propogation is nearby.

28. Seaside Ledges Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil on the ledge overlooking the Frothing Pedestal in Draconis Mons.
From Heathen's Hold waypoint, head west & drop down the side. Drop/glide down to the lowest ledge that you can see as you're going down. Head northeast on the ledges, where you can see some reef riders. Keep right.

29. Nu II Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil in the Nu II Vault in Draconis Mons.
Port to Heathen's Hold waypoint & take the 2 thermal tubes. Glide out & head towards the Nu II Vault POI. Enter the vault & keep left till you get to the fertile soil.
Do this before Rata Arcanum Propogation.

30. Ancient Hollow Propagation

Plant a Fire Orchid Seed in the fertile soil above the Ancient Hollow in Draconis Mons.
Port to Ancient Hollow waypoint & take the bouncing mushroom up. Take the next 2 bouncing mushrooms & catch the updraft to the next level. You should see a bunch of mushroom mobs. Keep going west till you reach the fertile soil.
Do this before Wind Rider Ledge Propogation.



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