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A Blooming Errand (1AP)

Find 4 rare flowers across Tyria.

Pre-requisite: The End of the Celestial Ministry


This achievement is a part of The End of the Celestial Ministry achievement.
You can get it by talking to Ju in New Kaineng City during one of the steps.
Ju is Northwest of Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=].
Just follow the canal west, then north.


  1. Find an alpine lily in Snowden Drifts.
    - Living World Season 3: Out of the Shadows, Eir's Memorial in Hoelbrak
    At the Story Step: "Honor Eir however you want."
    The Alpine Lilies can be found to the west behind the block of ice.
    - Can also be found during
    [Event] Give alpine lilies to the militia captain before illness overtakes his soldiers
    This event did not spawn for me for a long time, so I just did the story instead!

  2. Find a yellow gentian flower in the Fields of Ruin.
    South of Summit waypoint. Found around Ebonhawke Delegation lake.

  3. Find a pungent gladiolus in the Wayfarer Foothills.
    South of Darkriven Waypoint. Go into Doldenvan Passage.
    Dive into the water & pick up a Pungent Gladiolus.
    [Event] Bring foul-smelling underwater plants to Lunt
    If Lunt is present and not holding a bomb, the event will start soon. Otherwise the chain may be stalled, try a different map (i.e. returning during the The Frozen Maw meta event).
    The event requires the previous event, Protect Lunt's fire from the dredge to fail.

  4. Assist Researcher Yon in Seitung Province to receive crimson sunflowers.
    East of Village Waypoint, near the waters.
    Pick up a crimson sunflower during
    [Event] Help Yon find ingredients for an insect lure

A Guardian Once More (5AP 1MP)

Work with Kyung to determine the fate of Zunraa.

Pre-requisite: Mastery/Arborstone Revitalization/Entertaining Amenities


Second floor of library, near Researcher Hui.
Interact with a Weathered Book. These objectives must be done in order.


  1. The Disappearance of Zunraa
    Hint: Find the author of "The Disappearance of Zunraa" at a shrine near the location written within.
    Seitung Province. Village Waypoint.
    Talk to Kang Hyesoon near Valor Shrine PoI. There are 3 possible spots.


  2. In Need of a Friend
    Hint: Find a ritualist who you may call ally in Seitung Province.
    Talk to Kyung at Zen Daijun Temple PoI, after completing
    [Group Event] Defeat Tai-Young, and stop him from harming the spirits
    This event chain starts in Seitung Harbor at night with
    [Group Event] Stop the extremist Speakers from binding the spirits


  3. Into the Puzzling Dark
    Hint: What you seek lies at the heart of a puzzle shrouded in darkness.
    Seitung Province. Village Waipoint. Head to Spirit Vestibule PoI.
    Complete the puzzle in the maze around Zen Daijun Temple PoI.
    Find 3 glowing totems (Red, Green and Blue) to gain buffs that allow you to damage the corresponding Champion bosses in the maze. Defeat all 3 bosses and get teleported to a secret room.

    Recommended: Do this with a party or squad. Full puzzle here.

  4. Guest Appearance
    Hint: Meet Kyung at her place of residence in the outskirts of the harbor in Seitung Province.
    North of Village Waypoint, Town Outskirts PoI.


  5. Seeking Greater Knowledge
    Hint: That which you seek sits on the shelves in a hall surrounded by water.
    Seitung Province. Northwest area of the map, Sizhou Hall PoI.
    Ground level. Take the teleporter near the heart vendor.
    This will take you inside. The book is on a bookcase on the second floor.


  6. Practice Makes Perfect
    Hint: Learn how to harness the powers granted by the stone.
    Village Waypoint. Return to Kyung at the Town Outskirts PoI & talk to her.
    Interact with the portal & gather the 5 red spirit energy orbs.


  7. Seitung Province's First Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits where light shines upon the once deceased.
    East of Village Waypoint, near the water.


  8. Seitung Province's Second Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits among those that bloom within a newfound refuge.
    East of the map. At Derelict Temple PoI.


  9. New Kaineng's First Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits among the ruins of old.
    Southwest of Aetherblade Camp PoI in Old Kaineng. Higher level of the ruins.

  10. New Kaineng's Second Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits near the waters of familiar ruins below a bridge that ties past and present.
    Old Kaining Ruins. Northeast of the map.
    Just south of Aetherblade Camp PoI, on the steps.


  11. Echovald Wild's First Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits within the halls of zu Heltzer.
    Waypoint zu Heltzer. Right next to the Skygazer Cathedral PoI in Saint's Vale.


  12. Echovald Wild's Second Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits at the bottom of the shrine hidden in the trees.
    South of Kropa Waypoint, next to Saint Anjeka's Shrine PoI in Warden's Folly.


  13. Dragon's End's First Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits at the crossing of respite.
    Dragon's End. Southwest of map, Jade Wind's Respite PoI in Mother's Lament.
    Complete Dragon's End meta successfully to lift the DoT damage in the area.
    Then complete the 5 orbs collection.


  14. Dragon's End's Second Spirit Portal
    Hint: What you seek waits below the waters frozen in time near abandoned solitude.
    The entrance to this area is a cave near Argo Crawler PoI.
    The portal is at Archemorus's Solitude PoI in Unwaking Waters.


  15. Prepare for the Worst
    Hint: Return to Kyung's home with that which you've found.
    Speak with Kyung at Town Outskirts PoI in Seitung Province again.


  16. Hope for the Best
    The final step can be found where the story of that which you seek began.
    Seitung Province. Zen Daijun Temple PoI.
    Enter the portal in front of the bridge leading to Zen Daijun Temple.
    Talk to Kyung to begin. Head to the temple & interact with the orb.


A Sampling of Snargle (3AP)

Locate the various promotional samples of Snargle's works.


  1. Filling My Heart
    Dragon's End. East of Jade Quarry Waypoint [&BKIMAAA=]
    At the end of the eastern bridge from Kaolai Tower, in a basket next to a resting quarry worker and next to two tents.


  2. Love Is in the Eir
    Seitung Province. Village Waypoint [&BJ4MAAA=]
    In Seitung Prison Office, on a small shelf to the left.


  3. Scarlet Fever
    New Kaineng City. Garden Heights Waypoint [&BBYNAAA=]

  4. Koda's Warmth
    The Echovald Wilds. Junkyard Waypoint [&BIsMAAA=]
    ground floor, on a crate, under an arch.

Albax, the Unlucky (hidden) (6AP)

Bring Albax lucky items from throughout Tyria by solving his riddles.


Speak to Albax at Saltspray Roost PoI, Dragon's End, south of Jade Quarry Waypoint. Available only after a Successful Meta event completion. So sorry I had only 15mins to do all the achievements I missed so I teleported to Albax, but Albax is right on that PoI after the meta!


  1.  "The noble bird has been swept from solitude into the hands of chaos."
    Albax hinted at the monks of Shing Jea.
    Seitung Province. Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
    Speak to Keeper Tao,  west of wp. He sits on a balcony overlooking the stairs.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Aetherblade Champion.
    Drops a Crate of Monastery Goods. Bring it to Keeper Tao.


  2. "The porcelain feline beckons you toward service in the name of the savory."
    Albax mentioned the smell of food in New Kaineng City.
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=]
    Talk to Enune, in a Food Cart. Northwest of wp.
    [Event] Defeat the kappa attacking the food cart.
    After the event, speak with Enune again.


  3. "Bathed in gold and hubris, luck itself will lead you to me."
    Albax described a special room of games in Arborstone.
    Arborstone. Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Head to Club Canach, Northwest of the wp.
    Buy a Preserved Lucky Four-Leaf Clover from Club Canach Rewards Vendor.
    Canach Coins can be earned by doing events in the club.


  4. "In the sea of green, among the scaly ones, a relic lies with the mistakes of one's past."
    Albax gestured at the Jade Sea all around him.
    Dragon's End. Jade Quarry Waypoint [&BKIMAAA=]
    Head south to Mine Site JS-02 PoI.
    [Event] Dive for machine parts and return them to the quarry salvager
    During this event, dive to the bottom & look for A Lucky Golden Relic.


  5. "Brave the dead land to claim the foot of the swiftest."
    Albax pointed north, toward the Cursed Shore of Orr.
    Cursed Shore. Caer Shadowfain Waypoint [&BCEDAAA=]
    Buy Very Lucky Rabbit's Foot from the nearby karma merchant, Lightbringer Ives.


  6. "Find the former walker of the blasted land, and gain a symbol of new growth."
    Albax shrugged while talking of the Branded landscape of the Iron Marches.
    Iron Marches. Warhound Village Waypoint [&BOUBAAA=]
    Go up the watchtower, southwest of the wp & talk to Drusilla Longrunner.


  7. "In homes in pale parchment hills, find the form of an old survivor in the hands of a young one."
    Albax smiled, thinking of the rivers of Timberline Falls.
    Timberline Falls. White Paper Waypoint [&BE8CAAA=]
    Talk to Pietje Atsdottir in Balddistead PoI, North of wp.
    Go into the Cave, Southwest of the wp. Head towards Stovepipe Pogue PoI.
    Pick up the Worn Plush Doll on a barrel & bring it back to Pietje.


  8. "In lush lands wracked with waste, ask for that which glitters in their patron's gaze."
    Albax's eyes opened wide picturing the dangers of Mount Maelstrom.
    Mount Maelstrom. Sledge Site Waypoint [&BNQCAAA=]
    Head northeast to Lonatl Grounds PoI.
    Buy Lucky Swatch of Shiny Scales from Lonatl Supplier Huayapl.


  9. "A sacred weapon is held in the boughs of great trees, never to be turned against them."
    Albax spoke of the verdant sights of the Maguuma Jungle.
    Verdant Brink. Jaka Itzel Waypoint [&BOAHAAA=]
    Talk to Xiuhtonal right by the wp. May requires Itzel Language mastery.


  10. "The needy hold tight to a hope of plenty in a pitiless golden land."
    Albax cringed while thinking of the heat in the Crystal Desert.
    Crystal Oasis. Amnoon Waypoint [&BLsKAAA=]
    Buy Gilded Shadhavar Horn from Priestess Karima at Marifa Refugee Camp PoI after completing the heart.

Arborstone Diver (1AP)

Use diving goggles to jump from an ancient archway.


Take the teleporter at The Exchange east of  Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=] to the second floor, and another to the third floor. Use the zip line to the left of the teleporter near the Singer's Spirit statue. Cross over to the western-most pillar.


Hide-and-Seek in Arborstone (5AP)

Win 20 games of hide-and-seek with the tengu fledgling in Arborstone.



Arborstone Hide-and-Seek Master (5AP 1MP)

Find the hiding tengu fledgling within 60 seconds.


Talk to the Fledgeling on the 3rd Floor. There are 10 possible hiding spots. showing the 5 easiest spots with skyscale. You can zone out & back in to Arborstone to reset the fledgeling.

Arborstone Vaulter (10AP)

Collect Blessings of Arborstone and return them to the top of the cathedral.



Arborstone Vaulter Extraordinaire (10AP)

Collect all possible Blessings of Arborstone and return them to the top of the cathedral in one run.

Brothers in Harms (1AP)

Disrupt the Jade Brotherhood in New Kaineng.

Pre-requisite: The End of the Celestial Ministry


Complete nearby Jade Brotherhood events. Look for Orange circles on the map. They respawn fast so you can do the same event more than once.


Building a Better Bot (4AP 1MP)

Retrieve a variety of behavioral data to help build a better bot.


  1. Talk to Nozomi.
    Arborstone. 2nd Floor. Beside the Jade Bot workbench.

  2. Complete Golem Behavior Analysis achievement

  3. Return to Nozomi.
    She will give you the Mech Behavior Analysis collection.

  4. Complete Mech Behavior Analysis achievement

  5. Return to Nozomi to complete the achievement.

Golem Behavior Analysis (3AP)

Complete 4 behavior scans in Tyria.


  1. Scan C.L.E.A.N. Researcher Borpp at the Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica Province.
    Muridian Waypoint. Head southwest to the heart vendor.

  2. Defeat the Inquest Golem Mark II at Whitland Flats in Mount Maelstrom.
    Old Siege Site Waypoint.
    Successfully attend [Group Event] Defeat the Inquest's golem Mark II
    Head north to Observation Platform XKV.
    Golem Mark II timer here.

  3. Scan the golem parts on a table at Goldenlight Hallow in Timberline Falls.
    Valance Tutory Waypoint.
    Go inside the lab nearby.

  4. Scan a golem part on the ground at the end of the Hexfoundry Unhinged jumping puzzle.
    Sparkfly Fen. Darkweather Rise Waypoint.
    Head southeast into the inquest lab.
    Disable 3 inquest switch. Each switch disables an orange wall in front of the chest/item.



Mech Behavior Analysis (3AP)

Complete 6 behavior scans in Cantha.


  1. Complete [Event] Escort Officer Jian to Usoku's Watchtower
    Seitung Province. North Peninsula area.
    Starts at Provisional MinSec Camp PoI.

  2. Scan the distressed mech outside of the Ministry of Transit in Seitung Province.
    Daigo Ward Waypoint. East of the PoI.

  3. Assist a merchant or cleaning mech in recovering from a malfunction in New Kaineng City.
    Complete [Event] Restrain the haywire vendor mech!
    Spawns at Ministry Ward, Soojung Heights, Bori Ward and Cobble Ward in New Kaineng City.
    or [Event] Catch the runaway custodial mech!
    Spawns at Lutgardis Plaza and Cobble Ward in New Kaineng City.

  4. Attend a posh party at Tae-Jin's estate in New Kaineng City.
    Complete [Event] Attend the particularly posh party at Tae-Jin's Estate.
    Talk to BOT-LER when the orange event icon is up.

  5. Scan the prototype mech at the Nahpui Lab in New Kaineng City.
    North Lab. Nahpui Lab PoI. Go inside. Prototype Mech is in a corner.

  6. Scan a scrapped mech at the Xunlai Jade Junkyard in Echovald Wilds.
    Junkyard Waypoint. Northeast of Dump Site 1 PoI.
    Around a corner, near a Jade Battery.


Character Growth (15AP 1MP)

Help Snargle Goldclaw overcome a slump in his career.

Pre-requisite: Arborstone Mastery 3 + Authorial Intent


  1. Find out what is bothering Snargle Goldclaw, currently in Arborstone.
    On the second level, next to the room with the crafting stations.

    This step unlocks the next three steps.

  2. Talk to Mamoru in Mori Village about obtaining a tengu-made bow.
    Located on the lowest level.
    [Event] Compete with tengu youngsters in the archery contest.
    I got this without finishing the event chain.

  3. Get a toy bell from the children of Seitung Harbor. Remember, good little children stay in their beds at night.
    At night you can enter the building by interacting with the door on the harbour side.
    [Event] Help find and return the lost toys to the children.

  4. Purchase tea and a teapot from Lady Kanda's teahouse in Kaineng.
    Talk to Lady Kanda when she is standing still to purchase the tea pot (5G), or complete Recover tea crates from the Jade Brotherhood and she will give it to you for free.

  5. Check in with Snargle.
    Return to Snargle in Arborstone. This step unlocks the next three steps.

  6. Ask Speaker Eunjoo in Dragon's End about acquiring a relic.
    Talk to Speaker Eunjoo at Speakers Encampment PoI after having successfully completed
    [Group Event] Defeat the summoned creature before it can escape.

  7. Purchase a painting of Empress Ihn from a desperate painter in Seitung Province.
    Speak with the painter near Imperial Overlook PoI to purchase the painting (5s)

  8. Obtain a sprout of the Forever Tree from the Warden in Echovald Wilds.
    [Event] Protect the sylvari until the ritual is complete
    At the Forever Tree PoI down south. Then talk to the Mysterious Warden.
    (My recording went weird here and screen was black but I completed the event & went back to Snargle in Arborstone)

  9. Follow up on Snargle's progress.
    Return to Snargle in Arborstone. This step unlocks the next three steps.

  10. Obtain some incense from Sun-Hi in Echovald Wilds.
    Located southwest of Waypoint Zu Heltser.
    Requires completion of three event chains at other locations, the object will have an event marker on the map when it is ready to start.
    - Axe at Tangled Altar PoI - The Haunted Altar achievement
    - Mask at Court of Song PoI - The Haunted Court achievement
    - Bow at Aoi's Perch PoI - The Haunted Perch achievement

  11. Obtain a copy of Ja-Wen's masterwork from Special Agent Teng in Seitung Province.
    Requires completion of the event chain ending with
    [Group Event] Subdue the Purist operatives!
    East of Monastery Waypoint.
    Talk to Special Agent Teng to start the event when ready.
    (Not sure why I got it immediately when I talked to him.)

  12. Check in with Bonnie Kunderah. She can be found in the Ministry of Archives.
    Talk to Bonnie Kunderah at the Ministry of Archives PoI on the second level sitting behind the desk.

  13. Follow up with Snargle.
    Return to Snargle in Arborstone. This step unlocks the next two steps.

  14. Obtain a jade statue from Yenna in Dragon's End.
    Talk to Yenna near Emerald Bluff PoI.
    Complete the event chain ending with
    [Event] Extract jade core samples and deposit them for safekeeping

  15. Help Sagan Malaya in Echovald Wilds to receive a Kurzick rune.
    At Temple of the Dredge PoI, East of Kropa wp, complete the event chain starting with
    [Group Event] Gather fungal residue to stabilize Verasha, the Speaker defector

  16. Follow up with Snargle one last time.
    Return to Snargle in Arborstone. Upon completion of the conversation with Bonnie Kunderah the achievement will complete.

Looking Back (5AP 1MP)

Accompany Marjory to various locations that had significance to Belinda.


  1. Check in with Marjory at Arborstone.
    Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Talk to Marjory North of Arborstone Waypoint to start the collection.

  2. Find Marjory in the Kaineng Ruins.
    Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=]
    On a bridge in Old Kaineng Ruins, near the jump puzzle.

  3. Find Marjory in Cobble Ward.
    Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=]
    Marjory can be found on a balcony, overlooking Tengu Square [&BNsMAAA=]. The quickest way to reach her is to take the zip line East of the point of interest, up to that level.

  4. Find Marjory near the Jade Monument.
    Garden Heights Waypoint [&BBYNAAA=] In front of the Jade Monument.

  5. Meet Marjory near Haiju Docks.
    Haiju Docks Waypoint [&BGQNAAA=]
    Marjory is found standing with Kasmeer slightly East of the Haiju Docks Waypoint [&BGQNAAA=]

  6. Find Marjory at the monastery.
    Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
    Marjory can be found to the West of Shing Jea Waypoint, on the second floor of the building.

  7. Find Marjory near the afflicted memorial.
    Daigo Ward Waypoint [&BGUNAAA=]
    Marjory can be found East of the Daigo Ward Waypoint [&BGUNAAA=] in front of the Jade Memorial.

  8. Find Marjory near the Zen Daijun shrines.
    Village Waypoint [&BJ4MAAA=]  Marjory can be found East of the waypoint, below the Valor Shrine PoI [&BFgNAAA=].

  9. Following the conclusion of The Battle for the Jade Sea, find Marjory around the Outer Terrace.
    Jade Quarry Waypoint [&BKIMAAA=]
    Marjory is South of the Jade Quarry Waypoint. She is only here during the 15-minute window before map closure after the Dragon's Endmeta has been successful.

  10. Following the conclusion of The Battle for the Jade Sea, find Marjory in the Harvest Complex.
    Harvest Complex Waypoint [&BDwHAAA=]
    Marjory can be found at the Harvest Bridge [&BAgNAAA=].

    She is only here during the 15-minute window before map closure after the Dragon's End meta has been successful.

  11. Following the conclusion of The Battle for the Jade Sea, find Marjory in Seafarer's Enclave.
    Speakers Waypoint [&BDsNAAA=]
    Marjory can be found in the Juno Hatchery [&BLUMAAA=]. She is only here during the 15-minute window before map closure after the Dragon's End meta has been successful.

  12. Meet Marjory by the Silent Surf.
    Speakers Waypoint [&BDsNAAA=]
    Marjory can be found South of the Sanctuary of Ione PoI [&BEgNAAA=].
    She is only here during the 15-minute window before map closure after the Dragon's End meta has been successful. Talking to her here will bring you into the Laying to Rest instance.

Lost Lore (5 AP 1MP)

Locate the lost records of Shing Jea's history across Tyria.


  1. Speak with Balam Ri and accept her request
    East side of Arborstone. Top of a flight of stairs.

  2. Meet with Juwon Ral from the Ministry of Archives in New Kaineng City
    Located in the eastern part of Ministry of Archives, on the highest floor.

  3. Foil the Purist plot in the monastery gardens
    Northeast of Monastery Waypoint in Seitung Province.
    Talk to Special Agent Teng.
    Complete [Group Event] Unmask the Purist sympathizers
    or [Group Event] Subdue the Purist operatives! (80)

  4. Root out saboteurs in the New Kaineng City archives district
    New Kaineng City. At Ministry of Archives PoI in Soojung Heights.
    Event: Search the Ministry of Archives for Purist propaganda

  5. Drive Purists out of their secret meeting place in the Jaya Bluffs
    Seitung Province. Tengu Alpine Camp PoI in Jaya Bluffs.
    [Event] Escort Gale Hookbeak to the abandoned shrine

  6. Search for lost records at the summit of the Assassin's Path
    Jaya Bluffs, Seitung Province. Northwest area.
    Interact with Suspicious Mound at the end of the Trials of the Tengu jumping puzzle.

  7. Search for lost records beneath the emperor's feet
    North Peninsula, Seitung Province. Northeast area.
    Read the plaque on the statue in the middle of Emperor's Watchtower PoI.

  8. Search for lost records in a great library across the sea
    Lornar's Pass. Durmand Priory Waypoint.
    Enter the instance. Head left & into the first door on the right. Go clockwise & interact with a scroll case on a shelf.

  9. Search for lost records in the markets of New Kaineng City
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint.
    Head west to Lutgardis Market PoI. Check the Used Books Stall.

  10. Search for lost records in the mists of Zen Daijun
    Seitung Province. Village Waypoint.
    Head southeast to Zen Daijun Temple PoI. Read the Abandoned Books on a shelf.

  11. Return to Balam Ri after collecting all the lost records

Pure Enmity (1AP)

Retrieve Purist documents in Old Kaineng.

Pre-requisite: The End of the Celestial Ministry


This achievement is a part of The End of the Celestial Ministry achievement. You can get it by talking to Researcher Hui in Arborstone during one of the steps.

The End of the Celestial Ministry (5AP 1MP)

Assist Hui in gathering a history of the Celestial Ministers.


  1. Meet with Hui and accept his request.
    Arborstone. Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Talk to Researcher Hui on the second floor, up the stairs.

  2. Speak to Xiaobo, the descendant of Minister Jaisan.
    New Kaineng City. Ministry Ward Waypoint.
    Head south. He is at a noodle stall near a bridge & some crates.

  3. Search the archives for Xiaobo's family history.
    Head Southwest to Ministry of Archives PoI [&BLIMAAA=]
    Interact with the Bookshelf in the southern corner of the archives, second floor.

  4. Return to Hui with the document about the Ministry of Earth.

  5. Speak to Ju, the descendant of Minister Nai.
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=]
    Follow the canal west, then North to her flower stand.

  6. A Blooming Errand achievement

  7. Speak to Ju to receive her family history.
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint [&BCANAAA=]
    Follow the canal west, then North to her flower stand.

  8. Return Ju's family history to Hui.
    Arborstone. Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Talk to Researcher Hui on the second floor, up the stairs.

  9. Speak to Suyin, the descendant of Minister Tao.
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint. Petrified Shipping Docks [&BB8NAAA=]
    From the wp, follow the canal south and then east.
    Suyin is on the second floor of a small building near the docks.

  10. Brothers in Harms achievement

  11. Speak to Suyin to get her family history.
    New Kaineng City. Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint. Petrified Shipping Docks [&BB8NAAA=]
    From the wp, follow the canal south and then east.

  12. Return Suyin's document to Hui.
    Arborstone. Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Talk to Researcher Hui on the second floor, up the stairs.

  13. Pure Enmity achievement

  14. Return to Hui to discuss your findings.
    Arborstone. Arborstone Waypoint [&BGMNAAA=]
    Talk to Researcher Hui on the second floor, up the stairs.

The Fate of House zu Heltzer (6AP 1MP)

Work with Valeria to discover the fate of House zu Heltzer of Echovald.


  1. Meet with Valeria and accept her request.
    Waypoint zu Heltzer [&BMoMAAA=]

  2. Find a pristine Kurzick relic within the rubble in House zu Heltzer.
    Talk to Historical Society Steward in the same area to start
    [Event] Help the archaeologists extract relics from their magical wards
    - If she does not have the orange circle above her head, or the event is not currently running, you will need to wait.
    - You need to collect relics until you get the notification to talk to Valeria (When you have obtained the Pristine Kurzick relic).
    - This is done by first touching the rubble to collect a key, then going to one of the gears on the map to unlock the relic. The relic is opened by a series of "Which one of these things is not like the others" puzzle on your skillbar.
    - The event does not have to succeed.

  3. Return to Valeria with the pristine Kurzick relic.
    Waypoint zu Heltzer [&BMoMAAA=]

  4. Pay respects to Countess Danika zu Heltzer at her gravestone.
    - Go to Memorial zu Heltzer (east of Arborstone on top of the map).
    - The grave you need is west of the POI in the upper level.
    - /bow or /kneel to hear dialog from Countess.
    - Gather Tapestry Piece. 

  5. Return to Valeria in the House zu Heltzer ruins with Danika's tapestry piece.
    Waypoint zu Heltzer [&BMoMAAA=]

  6. Track down seven of the zu Heltzer tapestry pieces by completing the Tracing the Tapestry achievement.

  7. Meet with Valeria in Mori Village in Echovald Wilds.
    Complete the Mori Village heart.
    Then talk to Valeria, south of the hero point under Mori Plaza PoI [&BLsMAAA=].

  8. Speak with Valeria in Arborstone.
    Valerie is standing on the left side of the entrance to the room with the hero point challenge, close to the group of Arborstone refugees with the stool.


Tracing the Tapestry (4AP)

Find the missing pieces of the zu Heltzer tapestry, spread across Tyria.


  1. Someone in Lion's Arch of Canthan descent may know more.
    Lion's Arch. North of Sanctum Harbor Waypoint.
    Talk to Captain Hao Luen in Crow's Nest Tavern (Captain's Council)

  2. There could be something hidden in the depths of the Durmand Priory.
    Lornar's Pass

    - Go to Durmand Priory Waypoint, enter the Priory Archives, and enter the instance using the grate on the left.
    - After entering turn left to end up in a room full of boxes.
    - Complete the short jumping puzzle that starts behind Scholar Stinn to climb to the piece of cloth on top of the boxes
    - Interact with the piece of cloth to complete the step  

  3. There may be tengu outside of the Dominion of Winds who could help.
    Caledon Forest  

    - Go to Caledon Haven Waypoint
    - Go to east to Hanto Trading Post
    - Interact with Tengu Trademaster, after a short talk they will sell you the piece of cloth for 3g.  

  4. It could be worth pursuing rumors of lost wreckage in the waters surrounding Seitung Province.
    Fish in a Wreckage Site fishing pool to the west of Naga Domain in Seitung Province this site is not always present.
    Note Random drop from Wreckage Site fishing spot.

  5. An official in New Kaineng City's Lutgardis Plaza might be able to help you.
    Interact with Officer Suni at East Precinct 2nd Floor, after the Kaineng Blackout meta is successfully completed.

  6. The site of an ancient battle in Echovald Wilds might be worth investigating, if you can get in.
    Inside Fort Aspenwood, entrance near Aspenwood Sublevel B1. This starts with Use the siege turtles to destroy the shield generators as you fight through the fort. The tapestry piece is accessible when the lower level is reached, upon success of the meta event the facility will remain accessible for a short time.

  7. Proving yourself at an ancient temple in Dragon's End could present an opportunity.
    Dragon's End
    At Guardian's Perch talk to the Shrine Guardian, directly on the shrine at the POI. May need to participate & complete [Event] Protect the shrine from the Void assault.



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