Seitung Province
Seitung Province is the first major zone players enter in the End of Dragons expansion, released on 28 February 2022.
To get here, complete the first End of Dragons chapter Old Friends, or take the portal in the water in the south-west corner of the Kaineng Docks.
Trials of the Tengu (jump puzzle)
Mastery Insight
Seitung Province Insight: Abandoned Temple Rooftop
Seitung Province Insight: Affluent House
Seitung Province Insight: Airship Wreckage
Seitung Province Insight: Camp Peaks
Seitung Province Insight: Crystal Cave
Seitung Province Insight: Derelict Temple
Seitung Province Insight: Dreary Caves
Seitung Province Insight: Monastery Temple
Seitung Province Insight: Naga Island
Seitung Province Insight: Northern Cherry Blossom
Seitung Province Insight: Shore Peaks
Seitung Province Insight: Zen Daijun Cat Island
Seitung Province Insight: Zen Daijun House
Seitung Province Insight: Zen Daijun Temple

GW2 End of Dragons - Interlude: Forward, Not Ready for Good-Bye achievement

GW2 End of Dragons - Interlude: Sit with Me a Moment achievement

GW2 - E0E 5.6.1 What Lies Within - A Plan Emerges

GW2 - E0E 5.6.2 What Lies Within - Bottle Your Emotions
Authorial Intent (1AP)
Check in on an old friend in Cantha.
Find Snargle Goldclaw, northeast of the Jade Bot Workbench near Secured Gate. Listen to the conversation between Snargle and Kippo. Talk to him to get the achievement.
Bian's World Tour (3AP)
Find Bian in every city in core Tyria.
Chat with M.U.P. employee Bian
Seitung Province. Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
She walks around the southeast area of the monastery.
Find Bian in the Grove.
Reckoner's Waypoint [&BLsEAAA=]
On the upper terrace of the Starbower Nursery PoI.
Find Bian in the Black Citadel.
Gladium Waypoint [&BKQDAAA=]
She is standing near the vista in Gladium Canton.
Find Bian in Rata Sum.
Accountancy Waypoint [&BLYEAAA=]
Head northwest & turn right. She is standing outside the Artisan Hall.
Find Bian in Divinity's Reach.
Ossan Waypoint [&BC0DAAA=]
Head east & go up the elevator on your right.
Turn left & follow the pathway down the slope & through the tunnel to see Bian.
Find Bian in Lion's Arch.
Sanctum Harbor Waypoint [&BC8EAAA=]
She is standing southwest of Grand Piazza by the Marriner Plaque.
Find Bian in Hoelbrak.
Might and Main Waypoint [&BIUDAAA=]
Head west. She is standing by a leopard torch structure.

Misty Leap (1AP)
Use diving goggles to jump from the top of the secluded southern waterfall.
Go to the maze at Zen Daijun starting at Spirit Vestibule to an entrance south of Zen Daijun Temple. Goggles can be found right by the Seitung Province Insight: Zen Daijun Temple.
Into the Puzzling Dark
Zen Daijun Dark Maze puzzle [&BLAMAAA=], also called Spirit Vestibule.
A Guardian Once More Collection achievement
From Village Waypoint, take the Raptor Taxi to Zen Daijun Temple. Enter the area at Spirit Vestibule PoI.
Entering the maze, players will receive damage every second. Avoid/dodge the AoEs to prevent being stunned. The lanterns at various locations of the maze will regenerate health. If a player's health is depleted, they will be teleported to the starting point with full health.
Find 3 glowing totems: Red, Blue and Green. These totems will spawn at random locations. Each of the three champion are only vulnerable to the corresponding colored resonance. Will need a party or squad to defeat the champions.
Spirit of the Ritualist
Requires Red Resonance to damage.
Located on the north edge of the maze.
All of his attacks inflict three stacks of Vulnerability each, resulting in a consistent 12-15 stacks on a single player if he focuses on them.
To mitigate the high damage pressure from this champion, consider bringing condition removal skills.
Spirit of the Berserker
Requires Green Resonance to damage.
Located on the east edge of the maze.
All his attacks are high damaging melee range.
Spirit of the Illusionist
Requires Blue Resonance to damage.
Located on the southwest edge of the maze.
Attacks with projectiles and AoE spam.
Spiritual Childcare (10AP)
Play with all shrine guardian infants in Shing Jea at least once.
Hint: Enjoys large bridges.
Crates (branch). East of Monastery Waypoint.
Hint: Watches dockworkers at Seitung.
Crates (branch). Southwest of Village Waypoint.
Hint: Looms high above a naga nest.
Crates (branch). Southeast corner of the map.
Hint: Lurks near shore leading to an eerie cave.
Crates (branch).
Hint: Waits by the docks near an elevator.
Crates (branch). Northwest area of the map.
Hint: Perches on a ledge by an expensive mansion.
Crates (branch). Southeast of Daigo Ward Waypoint.
Hint: Lounges on the shores of a recuperative beach.
Crates (stack). Aurene's Enclave PoI [&BOgMAAA=]
Hint: Waits near a house looking over the harbor.
Crates (stack). North of Village Waypoint. Town Outskirts PoI [&BCINAAA=]
Hint: Hides inside a tall, bright building.
Crates (stack). Northeast area of the map. Abandoned Lighthouse PoI [&BGsNAAA=]
Hint: Enjoys the smells of food at Daigo Ward.
Crates (stack). East of Daigo Ward Waypoint.
Hint: Loves playing with baby fish.
Crates (stack). North area of the map. Fish Hatchery PoI [&BEINAAA=]
Hint: Likes to hide in garden landscaping.
Interact. West of Seitung Prison [&BMgMAAA=]
Hint: Hides on a balcony at the monastery.
Interact. Southeast of Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
Hint: Stares at windmills and baby fish.
Interact. Fish Hatchery PoI [&BEINAAA=]
Hint: Loves waterfalls at the monastery.
Rock. Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
Hint: Relaxes near cranes and koi.
Rock. Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
Hint: Listens to the chatter of merchants.
Rock. Village Waypoint. Harbor Market PoI [&BKgMAAA=]
Hint: Fears Nian statues.
Rock. West of Village Waypoint.
Hint: Lurks in a small cave in Zen Daijun.
Rock. Northeast of Village Waypoint.
Hint: Plays near a haunted temple.
Rock. West of Derelict Temple PoI [&BFANAAA=]
Hint: Hides under a bridge.
Rock. East of Village Waypoint.
Hint: Watches Aetherblades near the monastery.
Rock. South of Aetherblade Flagship Wreckage PoI [&BOcMAAA=]
Hint: Enjoys the view of a fishing hamlet and the bay.
Rock. West of Fishing Hamlet PoI [&BO4MAAA=]
Hint: Plays with drakes.
Rock. South of Monastery Waypoint. East of Aetherblade Flagship Wreckage PoI [&BOcMAAA=]
Hint: Plays amidst the monastery's landscaping.
Rock. South of Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
Hint: Admires the landscaping of Seitung Harbor.
Rock. West of Village Waypoint. Imperial Overlook PoI [&BMMMAAA=]
Hint: Looks down upon a fishing hamlet.
Rock. Southeast area of the map. Fishing Hamlet PoI [&BO4MAAA=]
Hint: Adores cats.
Rock. Southern area of map. Cat Island PoI [&BBoNAAA=]
Hint: Prefers the snow.
Rock. Shrine of Reverence — [&BA0NAAA=]
Hint: Admires tengu hunters.
Rock. Tengu Alpine Camp PoI [&BGYNAAA=]
Hint: Lounges at a lagoon island.
Rock. South of Haiju Docks Waypoint.
Hint: Hides under stairs by a waterfall.
Rock. East of Daigo Ward Waypoint.
Hint: Relaxes on the beach by a temple.
Rock. Northwest area of the map.
Hint: Hides behind a waterfall in a wealthy part of town.
Rock. Southwest of Daigo Ward Waypoint. Jade Memorial PoI [&BMEMAAA=]
Hint: Leaps from roof tops.
Checkpoints. Village Waypoint. Seitung Prison PoI [&BMgMAAA=]
Hint: Runs along the walls of the monastery.
Checkpoints. South of Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=]
Hint: Resides along the perimeter of a temple.
Checkpoints. Southeast of Village Waypoint. Zen Daijun Temple PoI [&BLAMAAA=]
Hint: Sits atop the roofs of Daigo Ward.
Checkpoints. East of Daigo Ward Waypoint & Ministry of Transit PoI [&BJUMAAA=]
Trials of the Tengu (3AP 1MP)
Reach the end of the jumping puzzle along the cliffs of Jaya Bluffs.
Head east from Monastery Waypoint [&BL8MAAA=], then north to the
Shrine of Reverence [&BA0NAAA=].
The trial is located to the west of the POI. On top of a platform you will find the Tengu NPC called Groundskeeper Tora, take the torch from the fire to start the trial.