Southsun Cove
Southsun Cove is a zone that came out with Living World Season 1, The Secret of Southsun and Last Stand at Southsun on 14 May 2013.
Getting There
In Lion's Arch, via the Southsun Cove asura gate on the north east side of Coriolis Plaza in the Eastern Ward.
In the Memory of Old Lion's Arch, via the Southsun Cove asura gate on the Claw Island Portage in Fort Marriner.
Skipping Stones (jump puzzle)
Crab Toss (activity)
The Goggles Do Nothing (diving)

GW2 - 01 The Twisted Marionette

GW2 - 02 Connecting the Pieces

GW2 - Investigative Record 3 achievement

GW2 - Investigative Study 5 achievement
Canach Trapper (5AP)
Defeat the fugitive Canach in his Southsun Lair.
Canach Trapper is an achievement from defeating Canach in Canach's Lair, a special event dungeon and part of the Last Stand at Southsun release. The dungeon has a solo story mode similar to a personal story mission. Completing the story mode gives access to the group explorable mode. Both dungeons are special event instances rather than actual dungeons.
Canach’s Lair entrance is located south of Lion’s Waypoint in the cave south of Skipping stones Jumping Puzzle.
After completing single-player story mode and defeating Canach, you will be eligible for a multiplayer variant instance for five players, where you’ll face the Subdirector Null as the main boss. At the Canach’s Lair entrance, speak to Lionguard Deputy to start Solo mode story instance.
You can only defeat Canach by using mine detector. First scan the area to find out the type of mine, then disable any of the mines and lead Canach to it. Repeat this step until you defeat him. There are 3 types of mines inside Canach's Lair.
- Scans area for mines. (using this ability will show you what mines there are by showing you icon above it which is the same as disarming abilities icon’s.)
- Disarm Land mine
- Disarm Poison Mine
- Disarm Cluster Mine
- Pushing your opponent back
Completing solo mode will grant you Canach Trapper Achievement and some rewards.
Subdirector NULL Demolitionist (5AP)
Defeat Canach's golem, Subdirector NULL, in Canach's Lair.
Subdirector NULL is an NPC and an achievement from defeating Subdirector NULL in Canach's Lair, a special event dungeon and part of the Last Stand at Southsun release. The dungeon has a solo story mode similar to a personal story mission. Completing the story mode gives access to the group explorable mode. Both dungeons are special event instances rather than actual dungeons.
Canach’s Lair entrance is located south of Lion’s Waypoint in the cave south of Skipping stones Jumping Puzzle.
After completing solo mode instance, form a full party to fight Subdirector Null. There are several important things to be aware of when confronting Subdirector Null.
When the fight starts, all party members should use mine detectors to disarm area mines where the boss is located. This way you will be ready when he starts casting Absorption Field for the first time.
Absorption field grants immunity to damage from incoming attacks and can be removed only by baiting boss to the disarmed mine (any type of mine). Subdirector Null will occasionally cast this ability during the fight. Removing the shield should be the main focus of the party members.
From time to time Subdirector Null will activate all the mines in the area and even reset disarmed mines again. Simply try to avoid red circles around mines. At this point, all party members should take Mine detectors and try to disarm mines around boss.
After a while, Ramparts Energies will join the fight. This orb looking mob does significant AOE damage and move randomly all over the cave. Avoid red circle around orb.
Subdirector NULL spawns repair Turret from time to time. Destroy them ASAP since they heal the boss.
At 25% HP, Subdirector NULL casts Electrolyze on all players. This debuff is DOT type and stacks during the time and represent the kind of soft enrage. When you get this debuff, your party members should be focused on nuking the Boss down.
After defeating Subdirector NULL you will get Subdirector NULL Demolitionist achievement.
Southsun Volunteer Fieldwork (50AP)
Assist Researcher Levvi by collecting samples around Southsun Cove.
Sample 1 - Camp (Near Levvi's research camp)
Sample 2 - Lava (Lava Pool in Karka Hive)
Sample 3 - Elevation (Top of Karka Hive)
Sample 4 - Sandpit (Sandwurm pits in Onyx Field)
Sample 5 - Shipwreck (South of Pride Point WP)
Sample 6 - Islet (End of Skipping Stones JP)
Sample 7 - Vent (Right pass the beginning of JP)
Sample 8 - Geyser (North end of Driftglass Springs)
Sample 9 - Pool (South end of Driftglass Springs)
Sample 10 - River (west of Driftglass Springs, in the river)
Sample 11 - Cave (Northwest of Crab Toss event)
Crazed Karka Queen Killer (25AP)
Defeat a crazed karka queen on Southsun Cove.
Hold all four settlements (Point Pride, Kiel's Outpost, Steampipe Steading, and Camp Karka) to get her to spawn left of Steampipe Steading. She has a cooldown so won't always spawn when all four settlements are controlled.
You have 10 minutes to kill her. If you fail to do so she will respawn with full health at one of the four settlements.
When fighting her, throw karka eggs at her to break down her defenses.
Defeating her give you a daily bonus chest with two rares and a chest on the ground that give you some karka shells and 2 random items.
Defeating her should give you the Crazed Karka Queen achievement but this is sometime bugged.
Her respawn timer appears to be one hour.
Contractually Obligated (5AP)
Helped load Southsun contracts onto the transport ship for safekeeping.
Talk to Inspector Ellen Kiel in Pearl Islet and she will have an option to enter a story instance.
Make sure you don't exit the instance until you get the achievement - you will need a bit after finishing the final cutscene.