Tangled Depths
Tangled Depths is the third major zone players enter in the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion pack that was released on 23 October 2015.
- Elusive Elemental Eliminator
- Lore Untangler
- Master Mushroom Spelunker
- Regurgicidal
- Potoni Masher
- The Longest Glide
Mastery Insights & Strongboxes
Tangled Depths Insight: Northern Confluence
Tangled Depths Insight: Nuhoch Lane
Tangled Depths Insight: Order of Whispers Outpost
Tangled Depths Insight: Terraced Hive
Tangled Depths Insight: Twisting Viaduct

★ Guild Wars 2 ★ - The Mastery System simplified

Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns Act 1 - 01 Prologue: Rally to Maguuma

Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns Act 1 - 02 Torn from the Sky

Guild Wars 2 - Heart of Thorns Act 1 - 02 Search and Rescue, Weed Whacker
Chak Egg Scrambler (5AP)
Destroy all of the chak eggs in the scrap cannon adventure in one attempt.
Mastery needed: Glider Basics (Gliding), Bouncing Mushroom (Itzel Lore)
Port to SCAR Camp Waypoint [&BAAIAAA=] and follow the path northeast.
This achievement is in the Scrap Rifle Field Test adventure area which is instanced. Interacting with the box of weapons on the ground at the end of this path (just south of Cascade Descent) will bring up a dialog to take you into a single-player instance where you can interact with the flag to start.
This adventure is instanced, so you may lose any map reward you had upon entering and leaving if not in a group or squad in the original map.
Disco Dancing Delver (5AP)
Dance in the secret disco cave.
Mastery needed: Up to Updraft Use (Gliding), Exalted Markings (Exalted Lore)
Disco Dancing Delver is an achievement in the Tangled Depths (achievements) category that involves finding Zinn's cave and dancing there to activate the lab.
Port to Dragon's Passage Waypoint and head north to the water.
Elusive Elemental Eliminator (5AP)
Kill the secret earth elemental.
Hidden achievement from killing the earth elementals guarding "Whitebear's Pride II" Strongbox.
Pulse Room Glider (1AP 1MP)
Fly to the place of power in the Ley-Line Confluence.
Mastery Needed: Up to Ley Line Gliding (Gliding)
Port to Ley Line Confluence Waypoint [&BPUHAAA=]
Head just a little bit northwest, up the slope to get to a higher point. Then glide towards the ley line near the waypoint.
Use the ley line to get closer to the glowy shiny up above.
Cloak and Snagger (1AP 1MP)
Bypass the Mordrem snipers using Stealth Gliding and steal their supplies!
Mastery needed: Up to Stealth Gliding (Gliding)
North of Dragon's Passage, instead of landing on the Hero Point cliff from the updraft, turn around and stealth onto a ledge with multiple mordrem sharpshooters. You can stealth on top of the chest and get the achievement.
Lore Untangler (3AP 1MP)
Answer questions from the ancient holographic professors in Rata Novus.
Master needed: Up to Advanced Gliding (Gliding), Bouncing Mushroom (Itzel Lore)
Port to Rata Novus Waypoint [&BAMIAAA=] You have to look for Rata Novus Instructors in this area and answer the questions posed to you. The questions are randomly asked and if you select the wrong answer the instructor will give you 'some time to think about it'. However you can relog and immediately attempt the question again. Here are some of the possible questions with answers provided:
A human mesmer focusing on love and illusions would be most likely to primarily worship Lyssa.
Once the human god of death, Dhuum now sits imprisoned in the Hall of Judgement, deep in the underworld.
The death of Shiro Tagachi caused the Jade Wind that devastated the southern portion of Cantha.
South of the Tarnished Coast, the Ring of Fire Islands was the location of the battle between the mursaat and the Titans.
The Norn snow leopard represents Independence, strategy, and laughter in the face of danger.
After defeating the Destroyers in battle, Pyre Fierceshot declared that the Charr have no gods.
Located to the southwest of the Granite Citadel, Sorrow's Furnace was the home of the Iron Forgeman.
Duke Barradin was next in line for the throne of Ascalon, but relinquished the crown to King Adelbern.
A kurzick champion named Viktor aided in the defeat of Shiro Tagachi.
Master of the Margonites, Abaddon was once the human god of secrets.
Olaf Olafson is the longest reigning champion of The Great Norn Alemoot.
Gunnar Poundfist is a well-respected blacksmith among the Norn.
The Canthan Ritualists channel the spirits of the dead, summon allies from the void, and were instrumental in the Harvest Ceremeony.
The charr used a magical Cauldron to cause the Searing to reign terror on Ascalon.
The Centaurs of Elona are often used as slave labor, though many strive to change that.
The Flame Legion have been challenged for their supremacy among the charr.
The Luxon were a seafaring people prior to their sea being turned to jade.
The northernmost kingdom of Elona, Vabbi, is known for its great wealth and culture.
The charr worshipped the Titans as gods until the latter's annihilation.
The bloodline of the Ascalonian king can be traced back to King Doric.
Palawa Joko's forces have been seen outside The Desolation, and locals fear an imminent attack.
Once peaceful cohabitants of Shing Jea, the Tengu have been forced from their homeland.
Pockmark Flats contains the largest intact crystal shard from The Searing.
Warmaster Varesh, following the commands of Abaddon, nearly sank the world into darkness.
West of Borlis Pass, The Frost Gate is the location where Prince Rurik met his untimely demise while trying to save his people.
The Flame Legion have been challenged for their supremacy among the charr.
Located to the southwest of the Granite Citadel, Sorrow's Furnace was home to the Iron Forgeman.
The xenophobic organization Ministry of Purity have nearly assumed full control of Cantha.
Once the Spearmarshal of the Sunspears, Kormir took the place of the fallen god Abaddon.
Svanir, also known as the Nornbear, was transformed while hunting near Drakkar Lake.
The druids were a race native to the Maguuma Jungle. They mysteriously vanished decades ago.
The Luxon were a seafaring people prior to their sea being turned to jade.
Augury Rock was the destination sought by Tyrians wishing to reach Ascension.
In norn culture, Bear represents fortitude and self-reliance.
Used as slaves by the Stone Summit dwarves, the Dredge are subterranean by nature and thus make excellent miners.
The charr worshipped the Titan as gods until the latter's annihilation.
The Afflicted plagued Canthan lands for years before finally being destroyed.
Bonfaaz Burntfur led the charr invasion that led to the near destruction of Ascalon.
Dagnar Stoneplate, leader of the Stone Summit rebellion, met his end in an epic battle at Thunderhead Keep.
Following the conclusion of the Krytan Civil War, Queen Salma became the reigning monarch of the kingdom.
The Dervish are scythe-wielding holy warriors that utilize enchantments in combat.
The northernmost kingdom in Elona, Vabbi, is known for its great wealth and culture.
Purportedly to stop the advancing charr, Vizier Khilbron was responsible for the Cataclysm that destroyed his homeland.
Guarded by the undead dragon Rotscale, Majesty's Rest is the final resting place of generations of Krytan nobility.
South of the Tarnished Coast, The Ring of Fire Islands was the location of the battle between the mursaat and the Titans.
The Centaurs of Elona are often used as slave labor, though many strive to change that.
Regurgicidal (1AP 1MP)
Defeat the great skelk regurgitant in Tangled Depths.
Mastery needed: Itzel Poison Lore (Itzel Lore), Glider Basics (Gliding)
The Champion Great Skelk Regurgitant will teleport to areas that can only be reached by gliding.
Port to Teku Nuhoch Waypoint. Go down the slope to the lake under the waypoint. The Great Skelk Regurgitant spawns after this event.
[Group Event] Escort the lore seeker to the underground lake.
Lore Seeker Zolin will start moving from Teku Nuhoch Waypoint down and eventually spawn the champion. Gliding is needed as the champion teleports to other areas where you can only get to by gliding.
Potoni Masher (1AP 1MP)
Defeat Champion Potoni the Massive in Tangled Depths.
Mastery needed: Nuhoch Proving (Nuhoch Lore)
Port to Teku Nuhoch Waypoint [&BAwIAAA=]
Potoni can be challenged after Teku Nuhoch's event chain is complete. After he has been defeated, there is an unknown duration (about 5 min) cooldown before he can be challenged again.
Nuhoch Proving mastery is required to start the challenge and is also required to loot the chest which appears after he is defeated.
There is a possible bug where defeating Potoni does not award the Potoni Masher achievement for some players. Being the player to activate the challenge, and using the bouncing mushroom to go back up to his platform during the fight may trigger credit for this achievement.
The Longest Glide (5AP)
Glide from the Mordrem migration path in SCAR Field Operations all the way to Dragon's Passage.
Mastery needed: Up to Advanced Gliding (Gliding)
The Longest Glide is an achievement in the Tangled Depths (achievements) category that requires you to glide from the SCAR Bivouac to Dragon's Passage, without ever landing.