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Legendary Accessory, Vision

Vision is a legendary accessory, obtained by completing collection achievements and obtaining materials in the world.

  • These collections require having all the episodes of Living World Season 4 unlocked.

  • Requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • Make sure you are also farming all the materials and map currencies as you do the collection!

Full Material List

1. Mystic


2 Gift of Condensed Magic

2 Gift of Blood (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Vial of Powerful Blood
250x2 Vial of Potent Blood
50x2 Vial of Thick Blood
50x2 Vial of Blood

2 Gift of Venom (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Powerful Venom Sac
250x2 Potent Venom Sac
50x2 Full Venom Sac
50x2 Venom Sac

2 Gift of Totems (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Elaborate Totem
250x2 Intricate Totem
50x2 Engraved Totem
50x2 Totem

2 Gift of Dust (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Pile of Crystalline Dust
250x2 Pile of Incandescent Dust
50x2 Pile of Luminous Dust
50x2 Pile of Radiant Dust

2 Gift of Condensed Might

2 Gift of Claws (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Vicious Claw
250x2 Large Claw
50x2 Sharp Claw
50x2 Claw

2 Gift of Scales (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Armored Scale
250x2 Large Scale
50x2 Smooth Scale
50x2 Scale

2 Gift of Bones (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Ancient Bone
250x2 Large Bone
50x2 Heavy Bone
50x2 Bone

2 Gift of Fangs (400 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith)

100x2 Vicious Fang
250x2 Large Fang
50x2 Sharp Fang
50x2 Fang

77 Mystic Clover

Throw in Mystic Forge:

1 at a time:

1 Obsidian Shard 
1 Mystic Coin 
1 Glob of Ectoplasm 
6 Philosopher's Stone

10 at a time:

10 Obsidian Shard 
10 Mystic Coin 
10 Glob of Ectoplasm 
10 Mystic Crystal

250 Mystic Coins

2. Gift of


Gift of the Mists

Gift of Glory

Purchase from Miyani, Mystic Forge Attendant or Mystic Forge Keeper for 250 Shards of Glory.

Gift of Battle

Gift of Battle Item Reward Track. (Press B, 3rd tab)

Gift of War

Purchase from Miyani, Mystic Forge Attendant or Mystic Forge Keeper for 250 Memory of Battle.

Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy (500 Artificer, Huntsman, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Tailor, Leather)

1 Ball of Dark Energy
75 Stabilizing Matrix

Shattered Gift of Prescience

Complete the achievement

- Vision I: Awakening (60 AP)

Purchase the recipe from Miyani for 10g.

(400 Artificer)

250 Piles of Crystalline Dust

250 Pile of Incandescent Dust

250 Pile of Luminous Dust

250 Pile of Radiant Dust

100 Icy Runestones

Rojan the Penitent in Frostgorge Sound

Purchase for 1g each.

Gift of Energy

3. Gift of Arid


Gift of Crystalline Magic

Throw these Season 4 map currencies into the Mystic Forge 

100 Kralkatite Ore (Domain of Istan)
100 Difluorite Crystal (Sandswept Isles)
100 Inscribed Shard (Domain of Kourna)
1 Bottle of Elonian Wine (Purchase from Miyani)

Gift of Ephemeral Magic

Throw these Season 4 map currencies into the Mystic Forge 

100 Lump of Mistonium (Jahai Bluffs)
100 Branded Mass (Thunderhead Peaks)
100 Mistborn Mote (Dragonfall)
1 Bottle of Elonian Wine (Purchase from Miyani)

Purchase from Miyani, Mystic Forge Attendant or Mystic Forge Keeper for 200 Spirit Shards.

100 Funerary Incense

Purchase from these vendors for:

500-10000 Trade Contract or 300 Elegy Mosaic
100 Obsidian Shard
100 Glob of Ectoplasm
100 Amalgamated Gemstone

4. Glimpse

Complete the achievement

- Vision II: Farsight (10 AP)

Only Mastery Insights in Living World Season 4 are required for this achievement.

Vision I
Vision I: Awakening

Breathe deeply and open all three of your eyes..

Vision I: Awakening is a Legendary Trinkets achievement that rewards a Shattered Gift of Prescience for the Legendary trinket Vision.

You must complete the following 6 vision collection achievements (10 AP each).

  1. Visions of Istan

  2. Visions of Sandswept Isles

  3. Visions of Kourna

  4. Visions of Jahai

  5. Visions of Thunderhead Peaks

  6. Visions of Dragonfall

  • Note: Completion of these achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

  • You will need 18 Xunlai Electrum Ingots to make 6 Memory Essence Encapsulator. To make this, you need Lumps of Mithrillium that can only be crafted ONCE A DAY. You can simply buy the ingots from TP but if you want to craft it, start making those mithrilliums!

Vision of Istan

Visions of Istan

Istan stinks of death and deception only to those who fail to see...

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

1. Heavy Corsair Turban

2. Vision of Dragons: Aurene

3. Vision of Allies: Taimi


4. Vision of Enemies: Warden


5. Vision of Landscapes: Domain of


6. Vision of Equipment: Astral









7. Vision of Action: Domain of Istan

Complete all "Daybreak" achievements.


Somewhere near the Mordant Crescent Great Hall in the Domain of Istan.

The Memory Fragment is located above Plaza of Resurgence PoI. Fly onto the gate first and ascend from there.

Somewhere near Chalon Docks Waypoint in the Domain of Istan.

Interact with the Partially Corrupted Data Entry, right by the Volatile Magic Collector.

Defeat Warden Amala in the Mordant Crescent Great Hall while holding a Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot

Use your skyscale to access a rift near the Astralarium in the Domain of Istan.

The rift is located on top of the big telescope at Astralarium Waypoint, right next to the vista.

Need Rift Repair mastery for this.
Follow the floating Volatile Magic, Make sure you get every one of them. If you did not get them all the first time, the 2nd round shows you where to go next.

Craft six Astral weapons.

Astral weapon recipes can be obtained from Yasna, an NPC at the bottom level of Astralarium. To unlock her, you must complete Brandstone Research achievement.

Any six Astral weapon:
A minimum of 3,060 Kralkatite Ore, 3,000 Powdered Rose Quartz, 330 Globs of Ectoplasm, 12 Pulsing Brandspark, 300 Eyes of Kormir

Each weapon costs 510 Kralkatite Ore (10 for the recipe; 500 to craft Kralkatite Ingots), 500 Powdered Rose Quartz (Kralkatite Ingots), 55 Globs of Ectoplasm (50 to craft Kralkatite Ingots, 5 for the inscription), 2 Pulsing Brandsparks (inscription), 50 Eyes of Kormir (inscription)

Stop the supply of deathly materials.

  • [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Heretic's Arena

  • [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from Champion's Dawn

  • [Group Event] Intercept the corpse caravan departing from the Astralarium

Vision of Sandswept Isles

Visions of Sandswept Isles

Sandswept Isles, where the shortsighted seek immediate power and knowledge.

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

Complete all 35 "A Bug in the System" achievements.

Somewhere near the Atholma in the Sandswept Isles.
Located on top of the cliff directly north of Atholma Waypoint, near a tree.

Somewhere near Jemandi Market in the Sandswept Isles.

Interact with Unfinished Field Report just below the previous vision.

Defeat Kuda's test subjects within the Specimen Chamber while holding while holding a

Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot

Use your skyscale to access a rift near the Iron Whale in the Sandswept Isles.
Located west of The Iron Whale, easily reached by flying onto the building from Atholma Waypoint and continuing west on the roof.

Need Rift Repair mastery for this.
Follow the floating Volatile Magic, Make sure you get every one of them. If you did not get them all the first time, the 2nd round shows you where to go next.

Acquire the Reinforced Olmakhan Bandolier by completing the 3 Lasting Bonds achievements. Then purchase Vision of Equipment: Olmakhan Bandolier from Ethall, the Volatile Magic Collector near Atholma wp.

Help the youth learn to provide.

Event: Catch as many fish as you can!

Located in the Strait of Panube near Driftwood Jetty. This event begins immediately on a new map, and as a reward for completing the Gathering Storms meta-event.

1. Olmakhan Mantle

2. Vision of Dragons: Aurene

3. Vision of Allies: Rox


4. Vision of Enemies: Kuda's


5. Vision of Landscapes: Sandswept


6. Vision of Equipment: Olmakhan


7. Vision of Action: Sandswept Isles

Visions of Kourna

Visions of Kourna

Eternal life, either blessing or curse, squandered by greed and the thirst for power.

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

1. Heavy Corsair Jerkin

2. Visions of Dragons: Aurene

3. Visions of Allies: Blish


4. Vision of Enemies: Olori Ogun


5. Vision of Landscapes: Domain of


6. Banner of the Commander

7. Vision of Action: Domain of Kourna

Complete all 38 "Long Live the Lich" achievements.


Somewhere near Zelbahn Garrison in the Domain of Kourna.

Somewhere above Allie Encampment wp.

Somewhere near the Allied Encampment in the Domain of Kourna.
Interact with the Data Log Printout directly west of Lady Camilla.

Defeat Troopmarshal Olori Ogun in the Domain of Kourna while holding while holding a

Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot

Use your skyscale to access a rift near the highest point of the Allied Encampment within the Domain of Kourna.

Highest tower, south of Allied Encampment wp, right above the MP.

Follow the floating Volatile Magic. Make sure you get every one of them. If you did not get them all the first time, the 2nd round shows you where to go next.

Craft Banner of the Commander.

Complete the Banner of the Dauntless Commander achievements.

Perform an ancient ritual with unlikely allies.

Event: Dance with the choya to assist Tebb's research
This event is in Kodonur Crossing, near Idol of the Choya PoI.

Visions of Jahai

Visions of Jahai

What is time to one who transcends it?

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

Available to purchase from Trader Hyacinth upon completion of the "A Star to Guide Us" Mastery achievement for 50 VM + 8 copper. Trader Hyacinth is right by Yatendi Village wp. 


Somewhere near Venta Pass Waypoint in Jahai Bluffs.

Somewhere near Mirza's Rest in the Jahai Bluffs.

Interact with the Undelivered Letter just east of Mirza's Rest on a tree in the water.

Defeat Death-Branded Shatterer within Jahai Bluffs while holding while holding a

Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory. Check timer here.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot

Use your skyscale to access a rift high above the Displaced Towers in Jahai Bluffs.

Follow the floating Volatile Magic. Make sure you get every one of them. If you did not get them all the first time, the 2nd round shows you where to go next.

Complete the Convergence of Sorrow I: Elegy achievement and then speak with Amira.

She is at the west side of Sun's Refuge. Buy Vision of Equipment: Elegy Armor for 80 copper.

Thwart an imposter's sinister plans

Event: Stop "Joko" from recruiting the Awakened!
Occurs in Central Brand Scar, by Monument to the Return of Palawa Joko PoI.

1. Updated Record of Joko's Deeds

2. Vision of Dragons: Aurene

3. Vision of Allies: Braham

4. Vision of Enemies: Death-Branded




5. Vision of Landscapes: Jahai Bluffs

6. Vision of Equipment: Elegy Armor

7. Vision of Action: Jahai Bluffs

Visions of Thunderhead Peaks

Visions of Thunderhead Peaks

Vision and visions, ended together in time...

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

1. Heavy Corsair Leggings

2. Vision of Dragons: Aurene


3. Vision of Allies: Caithe

4. Vision of Enemies: Wrathbringer

5. Vision of Landscapes:

     Thunderhead Peaks

6. Vision of Equipment:

     Dragonsblood Weapons

7. Vision of Action: Thunderhead


Complete all 30 All or Nothing achievements.

Somewhere near the The Forge in the Thunderhead Peaks.


Somewhere near History's End Waypoint in Thunderhead Peaks.

Interact with the Torn Page just south of the waypoint.

Defeat Wrathbringer in Thunderhead Keep while holding a

Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot

Use your skyscale to access a rift near the Weeping Sisters in Thunderhead Peaks.

From Moorage wp, head far west into the cave near Hundar Pike, through Sorrow's Cave PoI.

Craft six Dragonsblood weapons.

Check out Journeyman of the Forge achievement &  craft 6 weapons.

Then purchase the item from the VM collector.

Come to the aid of a peaceful people.

Event: Defend the Zephyrites from the Branded
Occurs in Symphony's Haven.

Visions of Dragonfall

Visions of Dragonfall

Crashing to the earth, cleaving the Mists...

  • Note: Completion of this achievement requires completion of the Riding Skyscales achievements.

  • To unlock: Purchase a Trance Stone from any Volatile Magic vendor to unlock this achievement.

UPDATE!: Patch on 4 June 2019. You need Heavy Corsair boots now, so complete all 18 "War Eternal" achievements to get it.

Somewhere in Dragonfall.

Located high atop a rock spire, east of Pact Command wp.

Somewhere near the Pact Outpost in Dragonfall.
Interact with the Torn Journal Page next to the Traveling Elonian Trader.

Defeat a ley-infused enemy while holding a Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory.

Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for

50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot


Use your skyscale to access a rift near the Necrotic Coast within Dragonfall.

By a lone tree at the water level, west of Wailing Basin.

Complete one weight class of Tier 1 Mist Shard armor.

After obtaining all 6 pieces, go to Traveling Elonian Trader by Pact Command wp & purchase Vision of Equipment: Dragon Champion Armor for 5 gold.

Collect strategic resources for the war effort.
Complete Tier 2 camp events:

- [Group Event] Collect Melandru's Tears throughout Melandru's Lost Domain
- [Group Event] Collect Soul Binders throughout the Underworld
- [Group Event] Collect Eternal Embers 

1. Heavy Corsair Boots

2. Vision of Dragons: Aurene

3. Visions of Allies: Zafirah

4. Vision of Enemies: Ley-Infused


5. Vision of Landscapes: Dragonfall

6. Vision of Equipment: Dragon 

    Champion Armor

7. Vision of Action: Dragonfall

Vision II
Vision II: Farsight

Kneel and contemplate your mastery of the veil at Insights across Tyria.

Vision II: Farsight is a Legendary Trinkets achievement that rewards a Glimpse for the Legendary trinket, Vision.

  • To unlock, complete the Vision I: Awakening achievement.

  • Only Mastery Insights in Living World Season 4 are required for this achievement.

  • Emote /kneel at 20 different Living World Season 4 mastery insights.

  • Doing so applies Meditative Rest for 15 seconds.

  • Characters must remain kneeling until the Meditative Rest effect expires to advance the achievement.

List of mastery insights

There are 24 possible mastery insights that can be used, however only 20 are needed.

Also, you cannot /kneel at some of them as they are either underwater or floating in the air. Those are not listed below.

Living World Season 4 Mastery Points

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